In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

How do autoimmune diseases affect fertility and pregnancy?
Autoimmune diseases increase the complications risk and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and have also been linked in some studies to increased risk of infertility and sterility of autoimmune origin. Women with autoimmune diseases have an increased […]

Is it advisable to have sexual intercourse after the embryo transfer?
One common question that is often asked after the embryo transfer is whether it is advisable to have sexual intercourse or not while you wait for the pregnancy to be confirmed. The fact is that during the […]

Ovarian Reserve: How many eggs do I have left to become a mother?
Reproduction in mammals, and therefore in humans, requires oocytes and sperm, each contributing with the parent’s genetic load. Sperm are made in the testes, but not before puberty. This means that, if we analysed the […]

The answer is YES. All-female couples who choose to start a family together do need to be married. The main reason for this is to meet the legal requirements in terms of anonymity of tissue, […]

Mumps, what is it? Parotitis, more commonly known as “mumps”, is a contagious viral disease that affects one or both parotid glands (major salivary glands) situated behind the ascending rami of the mandible. It is caused by the mumps […]

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis without biopsy non-invasive: niPGT-A
What is PGD without biopsy (niPGT-A)? The goal of in vitro fertilization is to have a healthy child. For this purpose, in the last decades different methods have been developed to perform a genetic diagnosis […]

Is the EmbryoGlue® culture medium that is used during embryo development efficient?
The embryo transfer procedure is one of the most crucial and decisive procedures carried out during an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. For this process to be successful, the culture media in which the embryos […]

What is the FSH and what is its function?
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is essential to reproduction. It is produced by the pituitary gland situated just below the brain (behind the palate) and is released into the bloodstream. The hormone regulates the ovaries and is involved in the […]