أسئلة شائعة
إلإجابات على الشكوك المعتادة حول إنجاب بمساعدة و صحة أمراض النساء بحلول بسيطة.
How can I determine when ovulation occurs?
The Ovulation Date Calculator that you will find below, will help you to determinate which days of the month you are most fertile.
What is a blastocyst?
A blastocyst is an embryo which has been left to develop until day 5 or 6 and presents a complex cellular structure formed by approximately 200 cells. The blastocyst phase is the development stage prior to implantation of the embryo in the mother’s uterus.
How to become a mother without a male partner?
Some women chose to become mothers without having a male partner and turn to assisted reproductive techniques in order to achieve this goal. We see this at our practice as an increasingly common option taken by women.
Assisted reproduction
- What is a polycystic ovary? How does a polycystic ovary affect my fertility?
- Instructions for correct collection of semen samples: abstinence, hygiene, etc.
- Which are the options if I have an altered spermatozoid TUNEL?
- No spermatozoids can be detected in my ejaculate. What can be done? Is it permanent?
- What is Assisted Embryo Hatching (AH) and Embryo Defragmentation?
Egg and Sperm donor
- Is the donation anonymous? Can a donor know the identity of the child born, or vice versa?
- How are sperm samples or donor eggs selected for given couples?
- How can I become a donor?
- Is there a limit to donations?
- Is Oocytes donation a painful process?
Egg Donation
- Are there any risks or side effects in egg donation treatments?
- Can donors know the identity of any children born through their donation?
- Is there a waiting list for oocyte donation?
- Lifestyle after the embryo transfer
- How do you select donors?
Egg freezing
- حاسبة موعد تخصيب البويضة
- Will my fertility levels be affected or reduced if I undergo vitrification and then decide to become a mother by natural means?
- What is the right age to freeze eggs with a view to my future?
- How long can my eggs remain frozen without damage?
- Until what age will I be able to become a mother using my vitrified eggs?
Embryo adoption
- Do oocyte donation and embryo donation mean the same thing?
- Where do the donated embryos come from?
- Can the identity of embryo donors be disclosed?
- The advantages and disadvantages of transferring embryos during a natural or artificial cycle
- Towards a Positive Embryo Transfer
Embryo freezing. Cryotransfer
- What if we finally decide not to use the embryos we had frozen?
- What chances do I have to still have embryos for freezing after an In Vitro Fertilisation treatment?
- How long can my embryos remain frozen?
- What advantages are there to freezing embryos?
- What are the advantages of oocyte or embryo vitrification?
Endocrinology and nutrition
- I have diabetes. Should I consult with my doctor before becoming pregnant? Which diabetes tests are required before pregnancy?
- Do thyroid problems affect fertility?
- I have a thyroid problem: Should I consult with my doctor with a view to a future pregancy? Will I have to change my treatment? Will I be able to breastfeed my baby? Will my baby have any problems?
- I’ve undergone surgery for obesity. Can I still get pregnant?
- Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility
Fertility Assessment
- ما هي أسباب الافتقار إلى الخصوبة والعقم؟
- What is SOFT IVF?
- What if I have my period at the time of my first gynaecological fertility appointment?
- What are the main causes of infertility?
- How long do I have to wait before seeing a doctor if I don’t get pregnant?
- Hysteroscopy and Essure
- Is it true, that after a long time taking oral contraceptives a woman can find it difficult to coenceive?
- Do women who use IUD (Intrauterine contraceptive device) as a contraceptive have more difficulties in getting pregnant?
- What types of hormonal contraception exist?
- What are the main contraceptive methods?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Total commitment with our In Vitro Fertilization and Egg donation patients: we share efforts and results
- Will I always be seen by the same gynaecologist in Instituto Bernabeu?
- Embryo transfer: What does it involve? What do I need to keep in mind for it to be successful?
- Choosing a fertilisation technique when oocyte counts are poor. IVF or ICSI?
- How can I help my IVF treatment to work? 10 pieces of advice that may improve your chances
Lesbian motherhood. ROPA
- Are prenatal and preimplantation diagnosis equally effective for disease transmission prevention?
- What does an informativity study entail? Do I need to repeat it for each cycle?
- Is it possible to cure genetic diseases in embryos?
- Is it possible to test every possible genetic disease in embryos?
- Are there any legal restrictions to PGD?
Pregnancy and Obstetrics
- ¿Qué llevar al Hospital en el momento del parto?
- ¿Qué comer para que tu hijo nazca sano?
- Which tests are completed during the first visit?
- When is the best cycle to become pregnant?
- Síntomas frecuentes durante el embarazo