Instituto Bernabeu, awarded with the Chamber of Commerce Bussiness Innovation award

The clinic is honoured by the entity who gives the award on November the 4th at the Alicante Economy Night.
Instituto Bernabeu has been distinguished with the Business Innovation Award granted by the Chamber of Commerce within the call for business awards 2020. The award will be given on November the 4th as part of the Alicante Economy Night.
The jury’s decision distinguishes with this award the work carried out by Instituto Bernabeu, especially in the field of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (R+D+I) and also the contribution to Environmental Conservation carried out by Instituto Bernabeu. It also valued the image projected by the clinic, in addition to the research carried out to improve and expand its competitiveness and development. The jury also valued the areas of innovation in the line of research into Artificial Intelligence.
This award is an accolade for a job well done and to follow the path traced since its beginnings. Since 1984 Instituto Bernabeu hasn’t stopped growing and believing in people. Today, more than 200 people make up the large family of the Instituto Bernabeu Group, made up of professionals who, in addition to their excellence, combine great humanity and exquisite treatment of patients, applying cutting-edge reproductive medicine. Instituto Bernabeu is an excellent institution for medical services in reproductive medicine specialising in personalised solutions.