Research work of Instituto Bernabeu published in Journal Assisted Reproduction and Genetics

The latest study from Instituto Bernabeu “Negative effect of P72 polymorphism on p53 gene in IVF outcome in patients with repeated implantation failure and pregnancy loss” was published in “Journal Assisted Reproduction and Genetics” (an important international scientific magazine):
This research project is a clear example of how our medical team strives to personalize the research and treatment for each couple who is looking for solutions for their fertility problems, namely the Implantation failure and repeated miscarriage unit
A new genetic variant (R72P) was detected during this research which could be a reason for the implantation failure and repeated miscarriages. Patients who are suffering from the reproductive problems have this variant of gene P53 that could be the cause of this.
In case of repeated miscarriages there could be different reasons that cause miscarriages, however in some percentage of cases the reason of miscarriages could not be found. These couples could have advantages of this mutation research which could help in diagnostic and treatment. Besides, this variant seems to be involved in the result of the cycle. Because the patients, having this mutation variant, have lower possibilities to achieve the pregnancy during the IVF cycles.
The fact that this genetic variant and its consecuences in achieving a pregnancy has been found allows us to research new solutions and assistance in the diagnosis of fertility problems. This confirms that individualization and personalization of fertility research is the only success way in the assisted reproductive treatments.
See the “research and development” section