Series of lectures for professionals during the month of October

A series of lectures by international experts on three topics of significant current interest have been organised as part of Instituto Bernabeu and its Foundation’s teaching activities. The aim is to present the latest advances in the field of gynaecology: ovarian stimulation, endometriosis and sperm quality. The lectures will take place in Instituto Bernabeu’s auditorium and will include the following:
‘New outlooks on ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilisation’. Frank Vandekerckhove, MD, PhD. Head of IVF Unit at Fertiliteitscentrum UZ Gent. Belgium. Thursday, 8th October at 18:00h.
‘Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis and adenomyosis’. Dr Edgardo Somigliana. Head of the Infertility Unit, Fondazione Cà Ganda, Ospedal Maggiore Policlinico di Milano. Italy. Thursday, 15th October at 18:00h.
‘Sperm quality and fertility: sperm competition’. Professor José Julián Garde. Head of Faculty at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and Full Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Veterinary Science. Saturday, 31st October at 12:00h.
Those interested in participating are requested to send a confirmation via the lectures link so that an adequate control of the auditorium’s seating capacity may be carried out. Complimentary wine will be served following the lecture.