Zaragoza’s Royal Academy of medicine has appointed Doctor Rafael Bernabeu as academic

Zaragoza’s Royal Academy of Medicine has named Dr Rafael Bernabeu Academic for his prestige as a specialist in reproductive medicine. The medical director of Instituto Bernabeu Group has been part of the academy since December, it was created in 1831 and has around 200 academic members.
The institution has among its missions the cultivation and stimulation of the medical sciences study, holding scientific sessions, elaborates opinions of medical-health interest in collaboration with national, regional, provincial and local authorities and, among others, the promotion of medical sciences. Attitudes and objectives that are in line with the philosophy of the Grupo Instituto Bernabeu medical director, for whom the promotion and development of science is one of his ways of understanding Medicine.
This distinction is added to those already treasured by the renowned Alicante gynecologist, among which is the recognition of the “Professional Career” granted by the “General Council of Official Associations of Physicians of Spain”.
Currently, Dr. Bernabeu is the vice president of SEISEGO, the Sterility and Infertility section of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) and director of the University Chair of Community Medicine and Reproductive Health at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH). He is recognized as a referee for such relevant scientific journals as “Reproductive BioMedicine Online (RBMOnline)”, “Human Reproduction” and “Fertility And Sterility”.
Takes part of the most prestigious national and international scientific societies such as the European ESHRE, the American ASRM and the Spanish SEF; and is a member of the British Fertility Society, among others.
In addition to his assistance work, the facets of researcher -with more than 150 articles collected in national and international publications-, academic and professor have to be added. Dr Bernabeu exercises a teaching activity from the two University Chairs promoted by the Instituto Bernabeu. And he is a professor of the two Master’s degrees together with the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the University of Alicante, as well as a lecturer at the most relevant international scientific meetings on reproductive medicine.