أخبار حالية

Instituto Bernabeu opens the new branch in Benidorm
Benidorm´s Major Mr. Manuel Pérez Fenoll and the President of Diputación de Alicante Mr. José Joaquin Ripoll, accompany Dr. Rafael Bernabeu at the event. Instituto Bernabeu has inagurated this morning.

Conference of actualization about umbilical cord blood, collection, cryopreservation and its uses
10th April 2008Conference Room at the Instituto Bernabeu Alicante There is no doubt about the interest develop in the last few years among the medical association and specially among couples before the possibility of preserving […]

Nine out of ten worker at Instituto Bernabeu are women
Equal wages, flexible working hours for pregnant women or responsability jobs are some of the actions taken. 90% of the staff at the Instituto Bernabeu, consisting in four centre, are women.

Forum Mujer y Sociedad closes its III editon with double than the people register in 2007
Blanca Fernández Ochoa closes the congress with an optimism boost and a superation message The III Forum Mujer y Sociedad, celebrated the 22nd and 23rd of February in the Aula de Cultura CAM, has closed […]

I Award to Innovation I+D+I at the Instiuto Bernabeu
The Instituto Bernabeu Group has given its first award to Innovation I+D+I, corresponding to the works published in 2007, to Alejandro Vieira with his proposal “Quality control program in the Assisted Reproduction Laboratory”.

You can subscribe to the III Forum Mujer y Sociedad through the webpage. www.forummujerysociedad.com

Instituto Bernabeu and C.I. Principe Felipe in Valencia will investigate for the first time in Spain the application the therapeutic clonation in the treatment of …

Cocemfe CV awards Instituto Bernabeu for its “excellent cientific investigation work”
Phisical and Organic Disabled Confederation of the Comunidad Valenciana (COCEMFE) has awarded the Instituto Bernabeu and the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work, “so the important work they are doing doesn´t go unnoticed and …

A Caratgena´s Clinic has fertilize in vitro to 300 women during last year
Around 300 couples have come to the clinic that the Instituto Bernabeu opened in Cartagena in 2004, to go through an In Vitro Fertilization. Dr. Fernando Araico, a member of the team, said … Source: […]