Pharmacogenetics improves IVF outcomes in the patients suffering implantation failure treatments

Implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage (RIF) are among the most complex infertility cases. And they are very frustrating for those who suffer from it. On most cases everything is fine, but pregnancy does not arrive or is an early lost is suffered. In our specialised RIF unit at Instituto Bernabeu, we never cease our research and study of the causes that provoke these situations. Through our research we have found that there are determinant factors such as: genetic alterations in the parents or in the embryos themselves, immunological factors, uterine anomalies or the presence of endometritis.
Instituto Bernabeu is a world pioneer in the use of drugs based on the genetic variants present in each person, and stands out for its research related to applied pharmacogenetics. In this line, one of the latest studies led by Dr Ana Fabregat, and presented at the European congress ESHRE 2022 (Milan, 3-6 July), has investigated the role of pharmacogenetics in adjuvant therapies in cases of implantation failure and repeated miscarriage.
The researchers team at Instituto Bernabeu has gone a step further and has developed a specific study based on the identification of several genetic polymorphisms involved in mechanisms related to embryo implantation, both at the endometrial, immunological and/or thrombotic level.
“We analyse the patient’s genetic profile in order to personalise or optimise the administration of additional treatment to reduce the risk of miscarriage or improve the implantation process,” Dr Fabregat pointed out.
After analysing 104 in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles of 98 patients with RIF, the research has shown an improvement in the results of assisted reproduction treatments for these patients, after the indication and subsequent administration of certain adjuvant drugs, depending on their specific genetic profile. Thus, the scientists conclude that there’s a benefit in the results obtained in these patients, when the adjuvant medication is personalised to the genotype presented by each of these women.
A.M. Fabregat, P. Berenguer, B. Lledó, J.A. Ortiz, A. Bernabeu, R. Bernabeu