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The SEF awards the second prize for Best Clinical Communication to a study that predicts embryo implantation with Artificial Intelligence

The SEF awards the second prize for Best Clinical Communication to a study that predicts embryo implantation with Artificial Intelligence

Instituto Bernabeu’s support for ongoing research was evident during the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) 33rd Congress. The clinic presented 18 scientific papers, 3 of which won the main awards at this biennial meeting. One of […]

Instituto Bernabeu receives first prize from the SEF for a study comparing two models of ovarian stimulation

Instituto Bernabeu receives first prize from the SEF for a study comparing two models of ovarian stimulation

Instituto Bernabeu has developed a study that compares conventional ovarian stimulation with another one which simplifies the processes. This research, entitled Conventional ovarian stimulation vs. stimulation with a single injection of Corifolitropin alfa in oocyte […]

The SEF awards the Instituto Bernabeu study on genetic variants and their influence on controlled ovarian stimulation

The SEF awards the Instituto Bernabeu study on genetic variants and their influence on controlled ovarian stimulation

Instituto Bernabeu has participated this May in the 33rd Congress of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF in Spanish) with 18 research papers, three of which have won awards. The second prize for Best Basic Communication […]

Dr Juan Carlos Castillo takes over the Instituto Bernabeu’s scientific direction as head of continuous training

Dr Juan Carlos Castillo takes over the Instituto Bernabeu’s scientific direction as head of continuous training

Dr Juan Carlos Castillo, gynaecologist at Instituto Bernabeu and a key player in the care of international patients, has just been appointed scientific director of Instituto Bernabeu, responsible for the continuous training of the institution’s […]

Scientific Reports talks about a study by Instituto Bernabeu on the vaginal microbiome in pregnant women characteristics  

Scientific Reports talks about a study by Instituto Bernabeu on the vaginal microbiome in pregnant women characteristics  

The scientific journal “Scientific Reports” has just published a research study carried out by Instituto Bernabeu in which they have studied the characteristics of the vaginal microbiome in pregnant women. The study is entitled Identification […]

A study by the Bernabeu Institute analyses the interferences that may influence the embryonic mosaicism diagnosis

A study by the Bernabeu Institute analyses the interferences that may influence the embryonic mosaicism diagnosis

Research at Instituto Bernabeu has analysed the influence that technical interferences may have when analysing the embryo in the mosaicism diagnosis. A mosaic embryo is one in which a mixture of chromosomally normal and abnormal […]

IB wins 3 awards for its research at the SEF 2022 Congress

IB wins 3 awards for its research at the SEF 2022 Congress

The Instituto Bernabeu’s impact at the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) congress has been enormous. Three of the 18 research studies presented at this biennial scientific event were awarded prizes at the most important scientific meeting. […]

We offer you an Emotional Support Guide to help you cope more calmly with the assisted reproduction process

We offer you an Emotional Support Guide to help you cope more calmly with the assisted reproduction process

Instituto Bernabeu has published an Emotional Support Guide for Assisted Reproduction to offer its patients psychological support on their path to motherhood. The Institution gives great importance to caring for the emotions that are generated […]

Instituto Bernabeu makes an impact at SEF 2022: 18 high-level scientific research projects in its scientific programme

Instituto Bernabeu makes an impact at SEF 2022: 18 high-level scientific research projects in its scientific programme

Science development is nourished by the researchers’ efforts. A proof of this is the scientific work is carried out day after day at Instituto Bernabeu. An example of this commitment to research and the high […]

Instituto Bernabeu becomes the first assisted reproduction centre in the country to adhere to the Digital Pact for the Protection of People

Instituto Bernabeu becomes the first assisted reproduction centre in the country to adhere to the Digital Pact for the Protection of People

The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recognised Instituto Bernabeu as a “Member Entity of the Digital Pact for the Protection of People”. This makes us the first assisted reproduction centre in Spain to adhere […]


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