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Instituto Bernabeu Venezia attends the Italian congress “European Fertility Meeting: Strategies to improve IVF success rate”.

Instituto Bernabeu Venezia attends the Italian congress “European Fertility Meeting: Strategies to improve IVF success rate”.

Today, 26th of November the eighth edition of the “European Fertility Meeting” is taking place at the Unicamillus University in Rome. This time the congress new strategies to optimize the success of Assisted Reproduction treatments. […]

The Spanish Urology Association appoints Dr Luis Prieto, Instituto Bernabeu’s Urology Unit director, as vice-president

The Spanish Urology Association appoints Dr Luis Prieto, Instituto Bernabeu’s Urology Unit director, as vice-president

Instituto Bernabeu’s Urology Unit director, Dr Luis Prieto, has just been appointed vice-president of the Spanish Urology Association (AEU). A designation that “represents professional recognition and a challenge which fills me with respect for the […]

Instituto Bernabeu, receives the ASEBIR national award for its research in non-invasive embryonic diagnosis

Instituto Bernabeu, receives the ASEBIR national award for its research in non-invasive embryonic diagnosis

This is the most important award in assisted reproduction in Spain. The reproductive medicine clinic Instituto Bernabeu study on the novel non-invasive technique of the embryo genetic diagnosis (niPGT-A) has just won the national EMB-ASEBIR […]

Instituto Bernabeu will be present with 14 research projects at the 11th Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR) Congress in Toledo.

Instituto Bernabeu will be present with 14 research projects at the 11th Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR) Congress in Toledo.

Instituto Bernabeu once again demonstrates the importance of R+D+I for the Institution. Although the past 2020 was marked by the pandemic, the clinic didn’t cease its research and, with renewed energy, presented a total of […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents research on the identification of new genes in families with early ovarian failure at the 3rd Congress of Human Genetics

Instituto Bernabeu presents research on the identification of new genes in families with early ovarian failure at the 3rd Congress of Human Genetics

Instituto Bernabeu participates in the 3rd Interdisciplinary Congress of Human Genetics to be held from November 3rd to 5th in Valencia with the research study Exome sequencing for the identification of new variants and candidate […]

Instituto Bernabeu conducts an expert webinar on ultrasound in reproduction

Instituto Bernabeu conducts an expert webinar on ultrasound in reproduction

“3D ultrasound in reproduction: from ovarian stimulation to embryo implantation” is the title of the webinar to be held on Wednesday November 10th, led by the Endometriosis Unit coordinator at the Bernabeu Institute, Dr Belén […]

Instituto Bernabeu receives the Innovative Company prize awarded by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, a recognition of more than thirty years of experience.

Instituto Bernabeu receives the Innovative Company prize awarded by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, a recognition of more than thirty years of experience.

Emotion has marked the Chamber of Commerce awards in 2021 and with a reason. A blank year marked by the pandemic has shown the vitality and drive of Alicante companies which have grown in times […]

Instituto Bernabeu has participated as a guest speaker at the International Congress of the Moroccan College of Fertility

Instituto Bernabeu has participated as a guest speaker at the International Congress of the Moroccan College of Fertility

Instituto Bernabeu has taken part in the Congrès International du Collège Marocain de Fertilité held on Saturday 30th October in the capital of Morocco. Dr. Paolo Cirillo was one of the international specialists in reproductive […]

The Bernabeu Institute discusses techniques to determine ovarian reserve at the 36th Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO)

The Bernabeu Institute discusses techniques to determine ovarian reserve at the 36th Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO)

As in previous years, the Bernabeu Institute has taken part in the 36th Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO 2021) held in Murcia between the 19th and the 22nd of October. […]

Dr. Andrea Bernabeu takes part in the round table discussion on medical advances in the 21st century at the Medical Students’ Congress.

Dr. Andrea Bernabeu takes part in the round table discussion on medical advances in the 21st century at the Medical Students’ Congress.

This event, which is now holding its 39th national edition, receives the support each year of the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, the Social Welfare Institute of the Bernabeu Institute The medical co-director of Instituto Bernabeu, Dr. […]


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