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Students from the Miguel Hernández University Pharmacy Congress hold an embryology workshop at Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante

Students from the Miguel Hernández University Pharmacy Congress hold an embryology workshop at Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante

Pharmacy Faculty students are today, Thursday 27th October, participating in an embryology workshop being held at Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante as part of the XIII edition of the Congress of Pharmacy Students organised by the Miguel Hernández …

The Bar Association of Madrid invites our geneticists to participate in its training event on paternity tests

The Bar Association of Madrid invites our geneticists to participate in its training event on paternity tests

The Bar Association of Madrid requested the intervention of expert geneticists from Instituto Bernabeu in its event on paternity tests, a gathering of scientists and lawyers held on 23rd October at the bar association’s headquarters.

The Instituto Bernabeu takes part in the Master’s on Community Pharmacy Direction and Management organised by the UMH

The Instituto Bernabeu takes part in the Master’s on Community Pharmacy Direction and Management organised by the UMH

The Instituto Bernabeu is helping out once again this year in the University Master’s on Community Pharmacy Direction and Management & Optimization of Pharmaceutical Care organised by the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH). Doctor Andrea Bernabeu …

The Instituto Bernabeu and the Chair of Reproductive Medicine from the UA present a study on how nicotine affects sperm at the Histology Congress

The Instituto Bernabeu and the Chair of Reproductive Medicine from the UA present a study on how nicotine affects sperm at the Histology Congress

The Instituto Bernabeu and the Chair of Reproductive Medicine of Alicante University (UA) have presented a research project related to smoking and fertility at the 19th Congress of the Spanish Society of Histology and Tissue Engineering, …

The Instituto Bernabeu studies chromosome abnormalities in very young women

The Instituto Bernabeu studies chromosome abnormalities in very young women

Advanced maternal age is the main factor associated with chromosome abnormalities or aneuploidies in the embryo, which cause problems during the pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage. 

Joint organisation by Instituto Bernabeu and the Association of Pharmacists of Albacete of a course on pharmacotherapy in reproductive medicine

Joint organisation by Instituto Bernabeu and the Association of Pharmacists of Albacete of a course on pharmacotherapy in reproductive medicine

Together with the Association of Pharmacists of Albacete, Instituto Bernabeu is organising the Pharmacotherapy in Reproductive Medicine course due to be held in the association’s conference hall in Albacete. The four-day course will be held …

Instituto Bernabeu presents the use of a device for reducing the number of injections during ovarian stimulation at the congress held by the Association for the Study of Reproduction Biology

Instituto Bernabeu presents the use of a device for reducing the number of injections during ovarian stimulation at the congress held by the Association for the Study of Reproduction Biology

At the 9th edition of the Association for the Study of Reproduction Biology (ASEBIR) Congress to be held in Madrid between 15th and 17th November, Instituto Bernabeu will present the results obtained when evaluating a new means of …

Instituto Bernabeu organizes the meeting “Feel that you love me” to address gynaecological cancer with testimonials and experts

Instituto Bernabeu organizes the meeting “Feel that you love me” to address gynaecological cancer with testimonials and experts

Sensitive to social causes for years, Instituto Bernabeu has been involved one more year in the awareness month of Breast Cancer. Under the title, “Feel that you love me” Instituto Bernabeu Foundation organizes a day, Tuesday 24th …

Classic IVF using donated ova improves embryo quality and increases the chances of pregnancy when compared with ICSI in IVF

Classic IVF using donated ova improves embryo quality and increases the chances of pregnancy when compared with ICSI in IVF

Specialists from the Embryology Unit at Instituto Bernabeu will present research work entitled ‘Conventional IVF improves the results of an egg donation programme compared with the use of ICSI’ at the 9th edition of the Association …

New IB Newsletter: He will inherit the best of you

New IB Newsletter: He will inherit the best of you

We have launched a new issue of Instituto Bernabeu corporate newsletter “IB Newsletter”. In this occasion, to inform you about the Genetic Compatibility Test carried out at Instituto Bernabeu, that allows to detect more than 600 hereditary …


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