

The Dr Rafael Bernabeu scholarships for university students distribute €37,500 among students of Nursing, Biotechnology, Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine from all over Spain.


The Dr Rafael Bernabeu scholarships for university students distribute €37,500 among students of Nursing, Biotechnology, Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine from all over Spain.

Once again, this year, as part of its firm commitment to educational training, the Rafael Bernabeu Social Work Foundation held on Thursday, 26 September, the 8th edition of the scholarships awarding to outstanding students with adverse economic circumstances to continue or begin their university studies in the field of healthcare. The grants have been awarded to 15 students from all over Spain, who have received a grant of 2,500 euros each.

It is hoped that these scholarships do not stay in the financial side only. It is also hoped that, following the example of Dr. Rafael Bernabeu, they will serve as an inspiration for future generations to pursue their vocation for health, science and care. In the words of the Foundation’s director, Sómnica Bernabeu, ‘This year in particular, we hope that these scholarships will fulfil the purpose for which he created them: to help to develop what we are sure will be 15 promising professional careers that will promote knowledge of medical science and bring comfort to those who suffer. May this scholarship you now receive be more than merely financial. With it, too, may you take up the baton of his example. A life dedicated to achieving the concept of health, understood as the complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease’.

After receiving numerous applications, the Evaluation Committee took into consideration their brilliant record, dedication and health vocation. It also took into account the obstacles and the family financial effort, as well as the letter of motivation written in each application. The beneficiary students belong to the fields of Nursing, Biotechnology, Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine.

Sómnica Bernabeu also had a few words for the more than 40 candidates who applied for this edition: ‘We have received a multitude of applications, all of them worthy of mention and recognition, which has made it very difficult to assign them. Today is also a day of celebration, in which we must highlight the effort and vocation of all the applicants’. 

This 8th edition has also been special for exceeding the economic endowment of previous editions and the total number of scholarship students. A total of 37,500 euros distributed in 15 scholarships of 2,500 euros each.

The event was attended by prominent authorities to distinguish and support the initiative with their presence. Together with the director of the Foundation, they presented the scholarships and the diploma. They are:

  1. Mrs Agustina Esteve Huertas. Consell Delegate in Alicante.
  2. Mrs Rosario Ferrer Cascales. Vice-Rector for Students and Employability, University of Alicante.
  3. Mr Francisco José Ponce Lorenzo. Regional Health Director for Alicante.
  4. Mrs Eva Mª Gabaldón Bravo. Vice-Dean of Academic Organisation of the Nursing Degree at the University of Alicante.
  5. Mr Bernat Botella Andrés.  Student Delegate of the Experimental Sciences Centre of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
  6. Mr José Antonio Robles Laguna, Coordinator of the Nursing Degree at the CEU University of Elche.
  7. Dr Fernando Bornay, Board Member of Teaching Doctors of the Faculty of Medicine (Official Doctors in Medicine Association of Alicante)
  8. Mrs Noelia Rodríguez Blanco, Board Member of the Official Nursing Association of Alicante.

The scholarship students were the main figures of today’s event. The event was a well-deserved recognition of their brilliant academic record and the enormous effort they have had to make to achieve their goals and follow their vocation:


  • Jordi Xavier Lara Bejarano – University of Valencia
  • Miguel Sánchez López – University Miguel Hernández Elche
  • Miranda Giner Díaz – Polytechnic University of Valencia


  • María Lucía Gámez Hernández – University of País Vasco
  • María Gema Riquelme Rocamora – University of Murcia


  • Fátima Nadir Parveen – University of País Vasco


  • Carolina Morán Vicente – University of Alicante
  • Uxue Ruiz de Azua Hernández – University of País Vasco
  • Raquel Crespo Ramos – CEU Elche


  • Adrián Castillo Javaloyes – University Miguel Hernández Elche
  • Ali Chraim Allouch – Complutense University of Madrid
  • Mariola Casas Escolano – University Miguel Hernández Elche
  • Nikol Nikolaeva Kotsakova – Valencia Catholica University San Vicente Mártir
  • Román Markiv Protsik – University Miguel Hernández Elche
  • Diego Cuenca Castany – Autonomous University of Barcelona

After the event, the participants enjoyed a wine of honour in the clinic’s gardens.

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