Egg Donor
Done anonymously, voluntarily and altruistically, egg donation helps other couples to become parents

Your solidarity will help couples with infertility problems not to see their dream of becoming parents broken. If you are looking for guarantees, you will receive the best service and have the best facilities at your disposal at Instituto Bernabéu.
What are the requirements to become an egg donor?
Under Spanish law on egg donation:
- Being between 18 and 33 years of age
- Having an adequate body mass index
- Being in good physical and mental health
- Not suffering from any hereditary or infectious disease that can be transmitted to the offspring
- Commitment and responsibility
Before donating eggs
After contacting us by sending an email with your contact information or calling (+34) 965 50 40 00 so that we advise you, we will schedule an appointment where, so as to ensure a quality donation and abide by the requirements of Spanish law, we will perform the following requirements and we will explain in detail the whole procedure so you are completely sure before taking the decision:
- A psychological assessment, performed by a psychologist.
- A personal and family medical history assessment, performed by a gynaecologist specialising in fertility, as well as a physical and gynaecological examination, so as to make sure that you are in good health condition and rule out the risk of transmission of a gynaecological pathology.
- Chromosomal and genetic studies to rule out the possible presence of hereditary diseases: Karyotype, screening for FragileX syndrome, Thalassemias, spinal muscular dystrophy (SMD) and the study of 552 genes linked to more than 600 autosomal recessive diseases, and from the year 2020 the study of 2306 genes linked to more than 3000 hereditary diseases (GCT: The broadeste genetic compatibility test) and general blood tests (blood group and Rh factor, syphilis serology, hepatitis B and C, HIV, and coagulation tests) and STIs (most frequent sexually transmitted infections).
- The consent form will be available to you so you know the egg donation process possible side effects.
The recipient of your help
Your egg donation helps women:
- Who do not have ovaries or whose ovaries are no longer functioning because of their age or because of a disease.
- Whose eggs do not have the necessary quality to achieve a full-term pregnancy.
- Whose eggs would transmit genetic diseases to their offspring.
According to Law
In accordance with Law 14/2006 of May 26, on assisted human reproduction techniques, the donation is a totally anonymous, free, voluntary, informed and unpaid process that starts from a formal and confidential contract concluded between the donor and the authorized centre.
- Spanish legislation prevails; anonymity is always guaranteed. That is, your identity may not be revealed and you may not be told the identity of the new family members. To this end, Instituto Bernabeu applies the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (Spanish acronym LOPDGDD), and it provides for the regulations of the national assisted reproduction donor record (Spanish acronym SIRHA).
- Strict compensation may be paid for physical inconvenience and travel expenses arising from the donation process (Royal Decree-Law 9/2014, of 4 July: “to receive compensation from the institution responsible for the extraction, strictly limited to covering the expenses and inconvenience derived from obtaining it in terms of allowances, restitution of lost economic income or similar”).
Any image of a person that could be shown on this website, related to the donation of gametes, is fictitious and merely illustrative.