Artificial Intelligence International Unit
The Unit’s mission is to lead and coordinate the research, development and innovation based in AI carried out at Instituto Bernabeu Group

Being a mother in the 21st century brings unique challenges and opportunities. In this matter, the value that research and scientific and medical advances deliver to patients is crucial.
At Instituto Bernabeu we feel fully committed to science and medical progress. Our commitment to advances and innovation is one of our institution’s pillars. As a proof of this is the excellent work carried out by our team of scientists and specialists.
The creation of this AI Specialised Unit applied to Reproductive Medicine responds to our understanding of innovation and scientific progress. Having always the patient in the centre of all our decisions, we believe that technological progress must be rigorously validated by our specialists in a multidisciplinary, scientific and coordinated manner.
This is the only way to transform innovation into viable solutions that can be transferred to patients all over the world.

Instituto Bernabeu’s AI Specialised Unit Applied to Reproductive Medicine is coordinated by Dr Jordi Suñol, gynaecologist specialised in reproductive medicine, and will be supported by the expert contribution of Dr Jose Antonio Ortiz, biochemist and the Congenital Defects Unit Director; as well as the Embryology Unit Director, Dr Jorge Ten; and embryologist Dr Leyre Herrero.

Together with their work teams, the Unit’s mission is to lead and coordinate the research, development and innovation based in AI carried out at Instituto Bernabeu Group, providing a multidisciplinary, holistic and expert vision enabling the validation, implementation and improvement of technological AI based solutions, aimed at optimising processes and offering better results for patients.
This is an important step for us, and the result of our serious commitment based on our scientific and research trajectory in the Artificial Intelligence field. This Unit’s aim is to help Instituto Bernabeu become an international benchmark, also in the field of AI applied to reproductive medicine, promoting the scientific knowledge progress in this field and transferring the real advantages of this technology to society.
Dr Jordi Suñol
Gynaecologist and Instituto Bernabeu Mallorca Medical Director
“The reproductive medicine professional value is above technology. Having a specialised AI unit is going to contribute to enhance our team’s capacity, both human and technical. It will give us the possibility to offer better pregnancy rates and the scientific progress will be exponential. However, the clinician contribution is decisive and irreplaceable”.

Dr José Antonio Ortiz
Biochemist and the Congenital Defects Unit Director
“AI allow us to process and analyse volumes of data that we, as humans, could not. In this sense, the technological breakthrough brought by AI is a real disruption. In the genetics and molecular biology laboratory, this change poses unique challenges and allow us to provide innovative and fully personalised solutions, as they are based on each patient’s genetic analysis”.
Dr Leyre Herrero
Instituto Bernabeu Madrid Embryology Coordinator
“Male factor affects the fertility treatment success to the same extent that female factor. Technology can help us delve into our knowledge of the male patient or donor and to apply improvements to help achieve each treatment’s success”.

Dr Jorge Ten
Instituto Bernabeu Embryology Unit Director
“Artificial intelligence brings us closer than ever before to understanding the third patient in a fertility treatment: the embryo. We are able to select the embryo with the best chance of successful implantation and to consider new parameters in decision-making. In the short term, AI is going to change the way we work in the embryology laboratory”.

An IB study on the use of Artificial Intelligence for embryo selection stands out in the most important fertility congress in the world.

An IB study, which helps to detect unexpected responses in ovarian stimulation through Artificial Intelligence, selected as oral presentation at the ESHRE 2023.

The scientific journal “American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology” will publish an IB study that stablishes an Artificial Intelligence model to predict chromosomal alterations in IVF embryos.

Andrea Bernabeu, medical co-director, addresses Instituto Bernabeu’s Artificial Intelligence innovation projects at the Alcsofting-ITI meeting.

Dr Bernabeu discusses the use of AI applied to Reproductive Medicine at the European Artificial Intelligence Forum held in Alicante.

Instituto Bernabeu presents in the ESHRE European Congress a study to identify the biochemical miscarriage causes with artificial intelligence.

The SEF awards the second prize for Best Clinical Communication to a study that predicts embryo implantation with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence to predict whether pregnancy is going to be achieved.

Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Reproduction

Researchers at Instituto Bernabeu develop an Artificial Intelligence algorithm to predict chromosomal alterations in the embryo before IVF

Research by Instituto Bernabeu applies Artificial Intelligence to predict mosaicism and aneuploidies in the embryo

Alicante concludes congress of international experts in reproductive medicine with an eye on artificial intelligence

Rafael Bernabeu: “Rigorous diagnosis, accurate decisions and correct planning shorten gestation time”.

Alicante will be the scientific focus in reproductive medicine at the third international meeting of experts of Instituto Bernabeu.

Instituto Bernabeu creates the first AI International Unit applied to Reproductive Medicine.

Instituto Bernabeu addresses AI and the future of IVF laboratory at the Innovation and Future of Assisted Reproduction Conference.