

Assisted reproduction

Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

The significance of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in fertility

The significance of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in fertility

Sexually transmitted disease (STDs) are infections that are transmitted, on the whole, during unprotected sexual intercourse.  However, they can also be transferred from mother to child during pregnancy.

Reproductive Immunology: What it is, causes, treatment and how it can affect the achievement of pregnancy

Reproductive Immunology: What it is, causes, treatment and how it can affect the achievement of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological state that conceptually challenges the foundations of immunology. While pregnant, the mother has to coexist with a being different from herself in at least half of its genetic origin. The, so-called, […]

Blastocyst embryo: What it is, advantages, types and classification according to its quality

Blastocyst embryo: What it is, advantages, types and classification according to its quality

What is a blastocyst A blastocyst is a 5/6 day embryo with a complex cell structure consisting of approximately 200 cells. The blastocyst stage is the stage of development prior to the implantation of the […]

How to be a parent after vasectomy?

How to be a parent after vasectomy?

Vasectomy acts as an obstructive azoospermia which means it achieves the absence of spermatozoa and spermatogenic cells in the sperm and urine after ejaculation, due to a bilateral obstruction of the seminal ducts. It is […]

The role of seminal fluid in improving fertility treatment

The role of seminal fluid in improving fertility treatment

There are two parts to semen: spermatozoa and the seminal fluid that the spermatozoa use as their means of travel. Seminal fluid has traditionally been attributed the role of a simple means of transportation. However, many years […]

Now you can travel to Spain with complete security and peace of mind. We are waiting for you!

Now you can travel to Spain with complete security and peace of mind. We are waiting for you!

As of June 22nd, our borders will open their arms again to our European neighbors. Spanish hospitality and Mediterranean warmth together with the scientific medical professionalism of Instituto Bernabeu to resume with total normality the […]

How long should I wait after an unsuccessful reproduction treatment?

How long should I wait after an unsuccessful reproduction treatment?

We are often asked this question at our clinic because, following an unsuccessful attempt at in vitro fertilisation there is always the hope of another go. The recommendation has always traditionally been to leave a space of […]

Children born to blood relatives

Children born to blood relatives

The question of relationships between blood relatives has been approached in many different ways throughout the course of history. There have been times when relationships of this kind have been commonly accepted. Whilst at other […]

Embryo implantation bleeding

Embryo implantation bleeding

What is implantation bleeding? Implantation is the process through which an embryo starts its development in the maternal uterus and it sometimes causes a bleeding. The implantation is caused by the growth of the embryo […]

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).When is it indicated?

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).When is it indicated?

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a very useful tool in Assisted Reproduction for the genetic selection of embryos prior to their transfer to the maternal uterus. It allows the selection of healthy embryos for a […]

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