Assisted reproduction
Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

My personal choice to use artificial insemination and become a single mother
I’m not very old but I’m not young enough to just let time go by. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now. I’ve always wanted to have children. It’s not something I […]

What is embryo collapse? Does it affect how the embryo implants?
The embryo culture in the blastocyst stage and the use of time-lapse incubators has enabled us to observe certain events that occur during the embryonic development up until day 5/6. 3 different parts can be distinguished in the blastocyst: […]

Is it better cryopreservation of the ovarian cortex than freezing ova?
What is cryopreservation of the ovarian cortex? Cryopreservation in the field of assisted reproduction treatment has clearly been a revolution on all levels. It has changed strategies in cases in which fertility has been compromised for […]

Why hasn’t my assisted reproduction treatment worked?
The miracle of conception involves an intimate union between the ova and spermatozoon, appropriate evolution of the fertilised embryo and, furthermore, an ideal environment inside the uterus so that implantation can take place. Whilst this process might seem simple, […]

Absent uterus or Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome: what can I do?
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome – or simply MRKH syndrome – is a congenital disorder (birth defect), the main characteristic of which is that the women who suffer from it do not have a uterus. The cause of this infrequent […]

Poor ovarian reserve; which means of diagnosis is the most reliable?
If we take into account that women’s oocytes develop before they are even born and that, after birth, the oocytes progressively decrease in number until they run out completely when women reach the menopause, the concept […]

A specially adapted diet for endometriosis
Nutrition is one of the factors that need to be taken into account in endometriosis. We are aware that the pathology is linked to abnormalities in immunity that cause chronic inflammation. Therefore, the patient’s diet can […]

5 indicators that the time has come to visit a fertility clinic
Infertility was a taboo subject until just a few years ago but nowadays it is common practice to turn to a reproductive medicine clinic for help when women are facing issues having children naturally. Instituto Bernabeu wants […]

The advantages of an in-house ova bank
Oocytes are particularly sensitive to cryopreservation processes since they have a number of characteristics that adversely affect their survival. However, improvements to cryopreservation techniques in ova banks through the use of vitrification have made it possible […]

What can cause bleeding in women when they are not menstruating?
Most women of a childbearing age have, on occasion, experienced bleeding when they are not menstruating. This is a very common occurrence and it does not necessarily mean that the woman has a health issue. Why […]