

Assisted reproduction

Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

Egg donor DNA storage bank

Egg donor DNA storage bank

Thanks to the donor DNA storage bank at Instituto Bernabeu, patients who need to make use of donated gametes for their fertility treatment may, at any time, make a request (further to egg donor consent) for necessary genetics […]

Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?

Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?

The immune system plays a very important role in the health of human beings, acting as a defence barrier against harmful organisms or substances. Immunology is a very complex area when trying to get pregnant or as […]

If you’re thinking about becoming a mother using donated eggs, here are eight questions and answers for you

If you’re thinking about becoming a mother using donated eggs, here are eight questions and answers for you

As is only to be expected, women have a number of doubts when they first take the important decision to become a mother using an egg donated by another women. The first reaction is one […]

CCS (Comprehensive Chromosome Screening) and unexplained sterility

CCS (Comprehensive Chromosome Screening) and unexplained sterility

Any couple that turns to a fertility clinic undergoes a number of tests in order to diagnose the fertility issue that is making natural conception impossible. It is estimated that, at the end of the process, 1 in […]

The ethical issues faced in assisted reproduction clinics

The ethical issues faced in assisted reproduction clinics

Although Spanish law led the way in regulating the practice of assisted reproduction and made significant progress in comparison with legislation in neighbouring countries, and even though Spain is, furthermore, a leader in the field both […]

What is adenomyosis?

What is adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is defined as an abnormal presence of endometrial tissue inside the muscular lining of the uterus. Adenomyosis is not a well-known condition because diagnosis is not easy. Clinical expression can range from no symptoms whatsoever […]

Does being sexually aroused improve semen quality?

Does being sexually aroused improve semen quality?

It has been scientifically proven that there are risk factors in our daily lives that have a negative impact on the quantity and quality of spermatozoa. These factors include emotional stress, doing a physically demanding job, sitting for […]

New examination aimed at testing couples with recurrent implantation failure

New examination aimed at testing couples with recurrent implantation failure

Instituto Bernabeu focusses on providing personalised solutions, particularly in cases of patients with a difficult reproductive prognosis (low ovarian reserve and recurrent implantation failure (RIF)). Carrying out a number of empirical tests and treatments has, on occasions, […]

Ovarian stimulation during the luteal phase

Ovarian stimulation during the luteal phase

Over the last few years, progress in terms of freezing both embryos and oocytes has meant that embryo transfer can successfully be carried out during a cycle that does not need to be the ovarian […]

Can I get pregnant with only one fallopian tube or none?

Can I get pregnant with only one fallopian tube or none?

The uterine tubes (or fallopian tubes) are muscular tubes leading from the ovaries into the uterus. The uterine tubes are responsible for collecting the egg each month. Fusion between the egg and the sperm (fertilisation) also takes place inside them. The […]

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