

Assisted reproduction

Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

A boy or a girl: can I choose my baby’s gender?

A boy or a girl: can I choose my baby’s gender?

Whilst it is technically possible to choose a child’s gender using pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, Spanish law prohibits selecting a baby’s sex, except with a view to avoiding the transmission of genetic diseases associated with the X chromosome. […]

Cytomegalovirus: symptoms, transmission and treatment

Cytomegalovirus: symptoms, transmission and treatment

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus from the family Herpesviridae. We also find the chickenpox virus, herpes simplex and the mononucleosis virus in this family. Infection with CMV is very common since it is present worldwide and can […]

Techniques for obtaining spermatozoa

Techniques for obtaining spermatozoa

There are currently many different solutions when spermatozoa are not present in ejaculate. Access to a trained urologist increases chances of achieving spermatozoa in greater quantities and with improved quality. What is TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)? This […]

Ovarian cysts: What are they? Symptoms and treatment

Ovarian cysts: What are they? Symptoms and treatment

One of the most common findings during a gynaecological check-up  is the presence of ovarian cysts. This emergence of cysts is often unexpected and is generally a great cause for concern. Such concern is usually […]

What is the FSH and what is its function?

What is the FSH and what is its function?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is essential to reproduction. It is produced by the pituitary gland situated just below the brain (behind the palate) and is released into the bloodstream. The hormone regulates the ovaries and is involved in the […]

Diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial scratching

Diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial scratching

We consider an evaluation of the uterine cavity and a check to ensure normal structure in the tissue that lines it (the endometrium) to be a standard part of any implantation failure study. In order […]

The immune system and pregnancy

The immune system and pregnancy

Numerous factors are involved in making the amazing miracle of pregnancy possible. Many of them are very well understood whilst others, such as the immune system and its role in embryo implantation, given their importance, […]

Embryo transfer on day 3 or day 5. The pros and cons.

Embryo transfer on day 3 or day 5. The pros and cons.

Determining the ideal day for embryo transfer has always been a controversial issue and there are, even today, still a number of doubts surrounding this issue. Embryo culture is, basically, a selection process. Each embryo’s […]

Obesity and embryo implantation failure

Obesity and embryo implantation failure

It has long been known that patients who are overweight face increased reproduction and pregnancy loss issues. Issues achieving a successful pregnancy are even greater if, as well as being obese, the patient also has […]

Hyperprolactinaemia: excess of prolactin and fertility

Hyperprolactinaemia: excess of prolactin and fertility

Prolactin is a hormone that is produced by the   pituitary gland and although it also forms part of the   stress hormone circuit, it plays a vital role in breast development during pregnancy and the production […]

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