

Assisted reproduction

Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

Several courses of unsuccessful fertility treatment. When has the time come to give up?

Several courses of unsuccessful fertility treatment. When has the time come to give up?

Whilst the success rates of assisted reproduction treatment are increasingly higher, in a small number of cases, couples who have undergone several courses of in vitro fertilisation without having achieved a viable pregnancy decide to give up […]

What is estradiol? What is this sex hormone’s role?

What is estradiol? What is this sex hormone’s role?

Hormones are messengers that are present in all multicellular organisms – be they animal or plant organisms – that coordinate the functions of each part of that organism. The sex hormones par excellence are estradiol in […]

Growth hormone (GH) treatment for low ovarian

Growth hormone (GH) treatment for low ovarian

What is the Low Ovarian Response? Controlled ovarian stimulation is a key part in the in vitro fecundation treatment, as the eggs number retrieved is directly related to the possibility of achieving pregnancy. Despite the […]

Genetic Incompatibility between the couple, does this exist?

Genetic Incompatibility between the couple, does this exist?

It is thought that about 20% of the reproductive problems are genetic or chromosomal. That is why the genetic testing is now an essential part of the fertility study carried out on couples who come to our centre for help to […]

Why does embryonic arrest sometimes happen during in vitro development?

Why does embryonic arrest sometimes happen during in vitro development?

Many factors can intervene in arrest processes during embryo development which mean cell division is detained and, therefore, it is not possible to implant the embryo in the mother’s uterus and bring about a pregnancy. […]

Recommendations following embryo transfer

Recommendations following embryo transfer

Transfer is undoubtedly one of the most important steps in assisted reproduction treatment. When the patient steps out of the transfer room, a new beginning takes place and the experience will be totally different to what she […]

Spermiogramme and Advanced Semen Studies (FISH AND TUNEL)

Spermiogramme and Advanced Semen Studies (FISH AND TUNEL)

One of the basic studies done to determine the male’s sperm quality is the seminogramme , also known as spermiogramme. We would need a sperm sample to carry it out (see how to take the […]

What are an embryo’s nutritional requirements prior to transfer to the mother?

What are an embryo’s nutritional requirements prior to transfer to the mother?

During in vitro fertilisation processes, for the first few days of their lives, human embryos have to develop outside the mother’s body in special incubators.  Temperature and pH conditions need to be optimum and embryos […]

Breast cancer and fertility

Breast cancer and fertility

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour found in women and it is the main cause of death in women due to cancer in the world. Over the last few years, there has been an […]

Ovarian stimulation: What is it? Are there any risks involved?

Ovarian stimulation: What is it? Are there any risks involved?

During the first few days of a period, a complex process takes place in the ovaries. The first step is to gather and initiate development in several follicles that contain eggs. Following this, only one […]

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