Assisted reproduction
Since the first IVF baby was born in 1978, countless tests have been developed, both diagnostic and treatment. In this section you will find in detail the advances that have allowed the birth of millions of children in the world.

Natural cell killers (NKC): influence in reproduction and in the embryo’s implantation failure
Embryo implantation in the mother’s uterus is a very important phenomenon in the human survival and evolution. Many of its regulating processes have been already described but we still have a long way to understand […]

The miracle of embryo implantation
Embryo implantation is the process in which the human embryo adheres to the endometrium, where it continues developing. The first step of this process begins with the dialogue between the embryonic and maternal cells. This […]

One of the options for patients undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) techniques with remaining embryos, meaning high quality embryos that can be cryopreserved for the future, is to donate these embryos to other couples for […]

Medical history: The first contact.
When we meet couples with fertility problems, clinical histories and direct medical interviews remain fundamental. At these interviews, we need to try and find out about the whole background and all the factors that may […]

Progesterone and its role in reproduction
What is progesterone? Just a simple look at the word itself gives us an idea of what its functions are. PROGESTERONE: the hormone which facilitates pregnancy. This is a good point from which to start out. Progesterone plays […]

Antioxidant-rich diet and improved male fertility
Infertility as a disease, is defined as the impossibility of achieving pregnancy after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without using any contraceptive method. The term subfertility (Zegers-Hochschild 2017) can also be used. Therefore, subfertility […]

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic and progressive disease that appears in early childhood and affects many organs in the body, (such as the lungs, intestines, pancreas, liver…). The disease causes thick mucus production, which leads […]

Premature Ovarian Failure, Can I be a mother? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
A woman’s ovarian reserve is limited in time and decreasing until it is definitively exhausted when menopause takes place around the age of 45-50. However, in 1% of women a premature depletion of the eggs […]

Immune Rejection as a Cause of Miscarriage or Implantation Failure
At some point in our lives, we have all tricked our mothers. We are not referring to the white lies of our youth or our schoolyard antics. We are talking about the critical moment in […]

Chromosomal alterations in repeated miscarriages
Couples who get pregnant, either naturally or through assisted reproductive techniques, are especially worried about the successful outcome of the pregnancy. Unfortunately, some pregnancies end in miscarriage or fetal loss in the week 20 of […]