There’re many reasons why men and women cannot conceive, even after a previous pregnancy. Either due to dysfunctions in the reproductive system or because the gametes have alterations. Discover the different aspects involved and their treatments.

A patient with low response to the ovarian stimulation for IVF is probably the most significant challenge faced by professionals treating couples with fertility problems.

IB implantation failure and repeated miscarriage unit
At Instituto Bernabeu, we have developed a specific programme with protocols designed to treat repeated miscarriages and unsuccessful assisted reproduction treatments through the multidisciplinary approach that allows us to diagnose and therefore overcome these problems.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a technique that is offered at Instituto Bernabeu on an outpatient basis, providing a diagnosis without causing any major discomfort to the patient as it eliminates the need for bed rest, anaesthesia […]

Differences between Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilisation
Artificial insemination is a simple technique carried out on couples with specific fertility problems. The ideal candidate would be a young woman with permeable fallopian tubes, less than 3 years of sterility and a male […]

Importance of endometrial thickness in Assisted Reproduction treatments
Given the essential role of the endometrial receptivity in the success of any Assisted Reproduction treatment (In Vitro Fertilisation, frozen embryo transfers (CT) or egg donation cycles), the uterus’ capacity to “accept” the embryo must […]