


There’re many reasons why men and women cannot conceive, even after a previous pregnancy. Either due to dysfunctions in the reproductive system or because the gametes have alterations. Discover the different aspects involved and their treatments.

Sperm DNA fragmentation

Sperm DNA fragmentation

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the genetic information used in the development and functioning of organisms and is present in all human cells except red blood cells. In the case of human […]

Is it advisable to have sexual intercourse after the embryo transfer?

Is it advisable to have sexual intercourse after the embryo transfer?

One common question that is often asked after the embryo transfer is whether it is advisable to have sexual intercourse or not while you wait for the pregnancy to be confirmed. The fact is that during the […]

The postcoital test: what is it and how is it useful?

The postcoital test: what is it and how is it useful?

The postcoital test was originally conceived as a way to determine whether cervical factors caused sterility. As it has been demonstrated over the years that only in a very small percentage of patients are cervical […]

Oligoastenozoospermia and its treatment to achieve pregnancy

Oligoastenozoospermia and its treatment to achieve pregnancy

Oligoasthenozoospermia consists of a decrease in the concentration and percentage of motile spermatozoa in a sperm sample and is determined by means of a sperminogram or sperm analysis. The sperminogram is currently a basic tool […]

Hypogonadism; What is it, symptoms and treatment

Hypogonadism; What is it, symptoms and treatment

What is hypogonadism? Hypogonadism is understood to be when the gonads (testicles in men and ovaries in women) produce low amounts of hormones or none at all or when the hypothalamus is incapable of producing …

i-Port: bidding farewell to injections during ovarian stimulation

i-Port: bidding farewell to injections during ovarian stimulation

At Instituto Bernabeu, we are bidding farewell to ovarian stimulation injections during courses of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. The clinic is launching an innovative device called i-Port Advance™ for self-administration of drugs using a system that is already used […]

Ovarian transposition

Ovarian transposition

Treatments for female cancers have improved notably in recent decades, greatly increasing the chance of survival for women affected by cancer. This fact has generated an enormous interest in improving the quality of life of […]

Use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in low ovarian reserve

Use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in low ovarian reserve

Low ovarian reserve means a lower probability of spontaneous conceiving, as well as a decrease in the number of eggs obtained in ovarian stimulation treatments. At Instituto Bernabeu, the low ovarian reserve unit works to […]

Studies of the cortex and ovarian tissue. Progress in fertility

Studies of the cortex and ovarian tissue. Progress in fertility

Although the technique is relatively new (it has evolved significantly over the last 20 years), preservation of the ovarian cortex and posterior transplant in order to recuperate fertility and ovarian function in cancer patients is […]

Egg donation at Instituto Bernabeu: features that make it unique

Egg donation at Instituto Bernabeu: features that make it unique

Instituto Bernabeu is a leading clinic in the field of egg donation. This is due to our excellent results, audited every year by two external certifying companies and provides our patients with the guarantee of a flawless […]

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