


There’re many reasons why men and women cannot conceive, even after a previous pregnancy. Either due to dysfunctions in the reproductive system or because the gametes have alterations. Discover the different aspects involved and their treatments.

Assisted Reproduction legislation for women without a male partner

Assisted Reproduction legislation for women without a male partner

In modern society, the increasing demand for assisted reproduction techniques from single women and same-sex couples has become a reality. From the perspective of reproduction, women only need to receive the male gamete (sperm). For […]

Endometrial hyperplasia; symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Endometrial hyperplasia; symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is Endometrial Hyperplasia? Endometrial hyperplasia is nothing more than an excessive growth of endometrial cells, especially glandular cells, usually in response to excessive estrogen exposure and poor progesterone function. This growth can be either […]

Genetic Incompatibility between the couple, does this exist?

Genetic Incompatibility between the couple, does this exist?

It is thought that about 20% of the reproductive problems are genetic or chromosomal. That is why the genetic testing is now an essential part of the fertility study carried out on couples who come to our centre for help to […]

Flu vaccinations during fertility treatment

Flu vaccinations during fertility treatment

Vaccinations are essential for good health at all times, but they are particularly important during conception and pregnancy, both from the point of view of protecting the mother and from the point of view of protecting […]

Vasectomies: the male contraceptive

Vasectomies: the male contraceptive

What is a vasectomy? Vasectomy is a minor surgery procedure to prevent having children permanently. Is the most effective male sterilization technique in comparison with all others and is done with the final idea of […]

Spermiogramme and Advanced Semen Studies (FISH AND TUNEL)

Spermiogramme and Advanced Semen Studies (FISH AND TUNEL)

One of the basic studies done to determine the male’s sperm quality is the seminogramme , also known as spermiogramme. We would need a sperm sample to carry it out (see how to take the […]

Breast cancer and fertility

Breast cancer and fertility

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour found in women and it is the main cause of death in women due to cancer in the world. Over the last few years, there has been an […]

Treatment of Klinefelter´s Syndrome and fertility

Treatment of Klinefelter´s Syndrome and fertility

Klinefelter’s Syndrome is considered the most common chromosomal abnormality  in humans, with an incidence of 1 out of every 500 newborn males. Those affected by this syndrome have an extra X chromosome, which leads to […]

Genetic karyotype

Genetic karyotype

All our genetic information is encoded in DNA. DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell of our body as part of the structures called chromosomes. The analysis of these chromosomes is called a […]

The advantages and disadvantages of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

The advantages and disadvantages of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) consists of studying chromosomal abnormalities and genetic abnormalities in the embryo prior to transfer to the mother. Its purpose is to ensure that children are healthy and put an end to the transmission of a specific condition. […]

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