


There’re many reasons why men and women cannot conceive, even after a previous pregnancy. Either due to dysfunctions in the reproductive system or because the gametes have alterations. Discover the different aspects involved and their treatments.

Fertility preservation in patients with cancer. Bernabeu Foundation free programme

Fertility preservation in patients with cancer. Bernabeu Foundation free programme

We are now delaying the time to have our first child. As of today, the average Spanish woman age to become pregnant for the first time is above 31. Before conceiving, we are exposed to […]

Environmental toxic substances, endocrine disruptors and fertility

Environmental toxic substances, endocrine disruptors and fertility

Over the last few years, there has been growing scientific interest in understanding the relationship between environmental and occupational exposure to toxic substances and contaminants and a variety of human health issues, in addition to […]

Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility

Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility

“Those who take medicine and neglect their diet will be wasting their time and their doctors’ skills” – Chinese proverb- This quote is especially relevant to this article because despite the latest advances in medicine […]

How Celiac disease affects fertility? And when you are already pregnant?

How Celiac disease affects fertility? And when you are already pregnant?

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten, a plant-based protein found in cereals such as wheat, spelt, Kamut and so on1  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) classes Celiac disease as a chronic illness that occurs in […]

What is a hydrosalpinx and how will it affect my fertility?

What is a hydrosalpinx and how will it affect my fertility?

The tubes connecting the ovaries and the uterus are known as the Fallopian tubes (or uterine tubes). These structures play an essential role in natural reproduction and are responsible for receiving the egg each month and, furthermore, it is here […]

Double stimulation: is it possible to recover more oocytes in patients with low ovarian reserve?

Double stimulation: is it possible to recover more oocytes in patients with low ovarian reserve?

The double ovarian stimulation or DuoStim is an ovarian stimulation protocol in which two stimulations and two oocyte collections are performed during a single menstrual cycle (approximately 28 days). It consists of first stimulation in […]

Is it possible to become a mother after tubal ligation?

Is it possible to become a mother after tubal ligation?

The fallopian tubes connect the uterus with the ovaries. It is where the oocyte is released after ovulation and where fertilization by sperm occurs after having passed through the female reproductive tract. The embryo generated in […]

Semen quality parameters according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)

Semen quality parameters according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)

The spermiogram is a basic tool that provides us with some of the best information to assess male fertility. It is also very useful in order to formulate a personalized treatment plan for the couple. […]

Fertility Treatment Medication

Fertility Treatment Medication

There are many drugs that are used when a couple undergoes a fertility treatment (IVF, insemination, egg donation, etc.). Some are very simple to use and have virtually no side effects and others are more […]

Is ovary size important?

Is ovary size important?

As is the case with all the organs in our bodies, over our lifetime, ovaries go through changes that affect not only their size but also how they perform. The ovaries are situated between the uterus […]

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