In this section you will find all the information regarding the care of the female reproductive system, the pathologies of the female organs and the prevention of gynaecological diseases.

Why does the PGT-A preimplantation genetic test (PGT) decrease the miscarriage rate?
La tasa de aborto en la población general sin problemas de fertilidad se encuentra en torno a un 15-20%, es decir una de cada cinco parejas que consiguen embarazo tendrá un aborto espontáneo, y en […]

A revolution in genetics: next generation DNA sequencing
In the year 2000, human sequencing was achieved following 10 years of scientific work and now, thanks to next generation DNA sequencing, we are able to get to know a human genome in the space […]

Instituto Bernabeu begins research on a new treatment for patients with poor ovarian response
From January 2016, Instituto Bernabeu will work on a clinical trial (free to participating patients) with the aim of evaluating the efficiency of a line of treatment in patients with poor response to ovarian stimulation. […]

Cryopreserved embryos: Does biobank storage time affect their subsequent viability?
It has been almost 30 years since the first pregnancy from cryopreserved embryos was achieved (Trounson and Mohr, 1983). Ever since then, numbers have been steadily growing at biobanks in assisted reproduction centres, mainly due […]

When will my embryos be biopsied? Why?
During the performance of assisted reproduction procedures, the best embryo is selected for transfer into the mother’s uterus. The selection is based on the “look” of the embryo shortly before transfer. As a matter of […]

Stregth position in the congress of the British fertility society
The British Fertility Society (BSF) Annual Congress, one of Europe’s leading fertility and assisted reproduction events, was held on 7th and 8th January in Newcastle (UK). Its scientific committee accepted a total of 11 pieces of research […]

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation and its social welfare calling
The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, the social welfare foundation at Instituto Bernabeu, has been working towards helping to improve health, well-being and financial conditions in society since 2007. Support programmes for patients with financial difficulties, scholarships and long-term […]

Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (PGS/PGT-A/CCS): More reliable and less damaging for embryos
The necessary information for an adequate development of human beings is contained in some “books” called genes; they are written in an “ink” called DNA. Our total number of genes is found in the 46 […]

Usefulness of Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (PGS/PGT-A/CCS) in Recurrent Miscarriages
When couples make the decision to have a baby, either by natural means or by resorting to assisted reproduction techniques (ART), one of their main concerns is having a full-term pregnancy and a healthy baby. […]

PGD, PGS, CCS and PGT-A: are they all one and the same?
PGD or pre-implantation genetic diagnosis consists of a set of techniques used on the embryo prior to transfer to the mother’s uterus with the aim of studying any possible chromosomal and/or genetic abnormalities. Its purpose is to ensure that […]