In this section you will find all the information regarding the care of the female reproductive system, the pathologies of the female organs and the prevention of gynaecological diseases.

Gestagens: progesterone and derivates
What are gestagens? The gestagens hormones (also known as progestagens) main function, is to maintain pregnancy (they are pro-gestational), and play a key role in the menstrual cycle regulation. Gestagens are a class of […]

Does taking birth control effect my future fertility? Oral contraceptives (OCP’s) are using by at least 35% of women of reproductive age, (1), making it the most frequently used contraceptive method after condoms. There are […]

Endometrial hyperplasia; symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What is Endometrial Hyperplasia? Endometrial hyperplasia is nothing more than an excessive growth of endometrial cells, especially glandular cells, usually in response to excessive estrogen exposure and poor progesterone function. This growth can be either […]

What is estradiol? What is this sex hormone’s role?
Hormones are messengers that are present in all multicellular organisms – be they animal or plant organisms – that coordinate the functions of each part of that organism. The sex hormones par excellence are estradiol in […]

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour found in women and it is the main cause of death in women due to cancer in the world. Over the last few years, there has been an […]

The advantages and disadvantages of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) consists of studying chromosomal abnormalities and genetic abnormalities in the embryo prior to transfer to the mother. Its purpose is to ensure that children are healthy and put an end to the transmission of a specific condition. […]

What is chronic endometritis? What is its effect in fertility?
Chronic endometritis is the name given to a continuous inflammation of the endometrium. It is a pathology that can be found in up to 10% of women, however it is known that this percentage is […]

Being a mother after 40: reproduction options, pros and cons
The delay of motherhood is a social phenomenon. More and more women choose to develop their life projects and postpone the moment of becoming mothers. A new model inspired by social, cultural and economic changes. […]

Feeling how other women had to walk through this difficult path we are now in, can help us to, not to feel different, ¡but brave! Outstanding women, according to public opinion, who suffered or still […]

Fertility preservation in patients with cancer. Bernabeu Foundation free programme
We are now delaying the time to have our first child. As of today, the average Spanish woman age to become pregnant for the first time is above 31. Before conceiving, we are exposed to […]