Implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage
Embryo implantation failure requires a specialized approach. At Instituto Bernabeu we take care of it from a specific multidisciplinary unit from the design of the most appropriate treatment for each patient, until the achievement of a healthy evolutionary pregnancy. We share in this section the latest advances in its diagnosis and treatment.

Hysteroscopy with curettage: technological progress for a better treatment
Hysteroscopy makes curettage much less invasive, thus improving the procedure and reducing subsequent discomfort. Curettage, a commonly used procedure to remove tissue from inside the uterus, can be a traumatic experience for many women due […]

Implantation of aneuploid embryos. Causes and prevention
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total) in the cells that make up their body tissues. Chromosomes are where genetic material is stored. The chromosome pairs 1 to 22 are known as autosomes […]

Is it advisable to have sexual intercourse after the embryo transfer?
One common question that is often asked after the embryo transfer is whether it is advisable to have sexual intercourse or not while you wait for the pregnancy to be confirmed. The fact is that during the […]

HLA C antigen and its impact on implant development
The Immune System is the set of elements and biological processes in our body that allows us to maintain a balance against external aggressions, recognizes what is harmful and reacts against it. It is known […]

Types of endometrial receptivity test. Pros and cons
Embryo implantation in the endometrium is a key process in achieving pregnancy. It takes place during a very short and specific period of time of the menstrual cycle in which the endometrium expresses specific molecules […]

Use of platelet-rich growth factor (PRP) in implantation failure and thin endometriums
Despite advances in the treatment of reproductive disorders, the embryo implantation is still far from being fully understood and, therefore, an effective treatment is not always at reach. At Instituto Bernabeu we are fully aware […]

Progress in genetic diagnosis of recurrent pregnancy loss: studying the exome
The ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) definition of patients who suffer from recurrent pregnancy is a woman who has had two or more pregnancy losses before week 20 of pregnancy. What are […]

Microbiome: “microorganisms who live inside you and affect your fertility”
It was traditionally believed that bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that live in our body were always harmful, but this is not the case. They are essential to achieve the balance of our body: the […]

Importance of clinical trials for the discovery of new drugs and therapies in Reproductive Medicine
For a new drug to be marketed and used in humans, research must be preceded by laboratory studies and animal experimentation. If under these conditions the study drug meets the established requirements, it can begin […]

Immunotherapy with lymphocytes of male partner for embryo nesting. No evidence to back any benefit
As we all know, our immune system is in charge of protecting us against agents that can cause disease, such as bacteria or viruses. Basically, the immune system detects if an agent is foreign to […]