Implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage
Embryo implantation failure requires a specialized approach. At Instituto Bernabeu we take care of it from a specific multidisciplinary unit from the design of the most appropriate treatment for each patient, until the achievement of a healthy evolutionary pregnancy. We share in this section the latest advances in its diagnosis and treatment.

What is a biochemical pregnancy or miscarriage?
Biochemical pregnancy or miscarriage occurs when an embryo, which initially implants in the uterus, stops developing. The pregnancy test is positive but the HCG hormone subsequently decreases until it becomes negative a few days later […]

What is implantation bleeding? Implantation is the process through which an embryo starts its development in the maternal uterus and it sometimes causes a bleeding. The implantation is caused by the growth of the embryo […]

The anembryonic pregnancy or “blighted ovum” is a specific type of miscarriage in which the fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the embryo does not develop. It is a relatively common problem: 10-15% of […]

What is the ‘implantation window’ in fertility treatment?
The ‘implantation window’ is the name we give to the period of time during which the endometrium in the mother’s uterus is in an appropriate state for embryo implantation to take place. When does the implantation window […]

Assisted hatching is a technique used in the in vitro fertilisation laboratory that consists of making a small hole in the membrane that surrounds the embryo, the zona pellucida (ZP), with the aim of making […]

Heparin as a Treatment for Repeat Miscarriages or Implantation Failure
Suffering from repeat miscarriages is one of the most painful situations for women trying to have children. This is especially true when these women achieve a pregnancy after using assisted reproduction treatments.

IBgen RIF: genetic test for embryo implantation failure
IBgen RIF analyses the variants in genes associated with thrombotic risk, immunological factors and endometrial receptivity and it improves patient prognosis This achievement emanates from over four years of intense research work. IBGen RIF, a […]

What can we see in ultrasound scans: follicles or oocytes?
Mistaking ovarian follicles for oocytes is one of the most common errors made by patients. During ovarian stimulation, whether this is for regulating ovulation for insemination or for in vitro fertilisation, patients are administered different types of medicines depending on each […]

IBGen RIF: a genetics test for detecting recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure
Instituto Bernabeu has managed to determine which genes cause recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure. The findings are the result of four years of research and the clinic’s commitment to helping patients who suffer from infertility […]

Do abnormal uterine contractions cause embryo implantation failure?
Implantation failure, defined as recurrent embryo transfer failures, remains a mystery because its cause is not always clear. The contractions that take place in the uterus could be one possible explanation for it. The uterus is a muscle […]