In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Delve into all the details of the main technique in fertility treatment and its main applications. We bring you the latest advances from the hand of our experienced professionals. The processes, tests and investigations involved in the meticulous work of the IVF laboratory.

Assited Reproduction Techniques: FIV vs ICSI
Currently there are two main techniques used to achieve Assisted Reproduction IVF. These two techniques are conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In IVF, the previously capacitated male sperm are deposited […]

Use of the intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection (ICSI) technique began in the 1990s. It has been successfully used to resolve most severe cases of male sterility. Here is some information about when we use the ICSI technique: When […]

How to deal with the diagnosis of sterility due to unknown causes
Now what? Why can’t I get pregnant? These are undoubtedly the first two questions that come to mind after being evaluated for a fertility problem and the doctor tells you that there’s no known cause […]

The miracle of embryo implantation
Embryo implantation is the process in which the human embryo adheres to the endometrium, where it continues developing. The first step of this process begins with the dialogue between the embryonic and maternal cells. This […]

Medical history: The first contact.
When we meet couples with fertility problems, clinical histories and direct medical interviews remain fundamental. At these interviews, we need to try and find out about the whole background and all the factors that may […]

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic and progressive disease that appears in early childhood and affects many organs in the body, (such as the lungs, intestines, pancreas, liver…). The disease causes thick mucus production, which leads […]

What is an ectopic pregnancy? Any pregnancy implanted outside the endometrial cavity is called an ectopic pregnancy. It is a condition that occurs in 1-2% of all pregnancies. Despite the progress in its treatment and […]

Double stimulation: is it possible to recover more oocytes in patients with low ovarian reserve?
The double ovarian stimulation or DuoStim is an ovarian stimulation protocol in which two stimulations and two oocyte collections are performed during a single menstrual cycle (approximately 28 days). It consists of first stimulation in […]

Is it possible to become a mother after tubal ligation?
The fallopian tubes connect the uterus with the ovaries. It is where the oocyte is released after ovulation and where fertilization by sperm occurs after having passed through the female reproductive tract. The embryo generated in […]

NEGATIVE IVF: Everything you need to know after a failed IVF
Infertility is considered a disease that affects 17% of Spanish couples of reproductive age according to the Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF). For the affected couples, in vitro fertilization (IVF) either with own or donated […]