In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Delve into all the details of the main technique in fertility treatment and its main applications. We bring you the latest advances from the hand of our experienced professionals. The processes, tests and investigations involved in the meticulous work of the IVF laboratory.

Beta hCG test: Pregnancy test with blood sample
What is a Beta: B-hCG pregnancy test ? The determination of the levels of the hormone beta-hCG in blood. The hormone produces the embryo and passes to the mother via the placenta. This is the […]

Donor selection at Instituto Bernabeu: a very special and comprehensive care
Gamete donation plays a crucial role for a considerable number of patients willing to start a family and seeking the help of assisted reproduction techniques. These patients place their trust in the professionalism of Instituto […]

A negative beta hCG test. Now what?
What happens following the wait (‘the beta hCG wait‘) which generates so much anxiety whilst, at the same time, creating the hope that our lives may be changed forever when, in the end, the result […]

First pregnancy scan after IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment
Confirming pregnancy after IVF and Egg Donation . The first ultrasound in which we can see the pregnancy is a very emotional time for the parents, especially for patients who have gone through treatments for […]

Reproductive Medicine for Jews
The Bible (Torah) teaches us that God created the world in 6 days. The last day He created man and woman and gave them a commandment: grow and multiply (Genesis 1:28) that must be obeyed […]

Heparin as a Treatment for Repeat Miscarriages or Implantation Failure
Suffering from repeat miscarriages is one of the most painful situations for women trying to have children. This is especially true when these women achieve a pregnancy after using assisted reproduction treatments.

Blocked fallopian tube. The involvement of “tubal factor” in fertility
The Fallopian tubes are trumpet-shaped structures that begin in the uterine cavity and end up opening by the ovaries. After ovulation, the fallopian tubes collect the released egg that is fertilized on the first portion, […]

Choosing a fertilisation technique when oocyte counts are poor. IVF or ICSI?
A low ovarian response is an increasingly common situation for clinicians. It is mainly associated with delayed motherhood and, accordingly, with lower ovarian reserves. In this type of patients, the number of oocytes retrieved after […]

Criteria for embryo classification
Embryos develop from the moment they are fertilised up until transfer to the mother’s uterus and this development process is assessed by embryologists. The embryos that have evolved correctly and are in the best condition are selected […]

Mini, soft or mild IVF: what are the advantages and disadvantages, requirements and results?
What is mild stimulation? Mini or soft IVF The in vitro fertilisation treatment that is known by a number of different names – soft IVF, mini IVF, friendly IVF and mild in vitro fertilisation – …