In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Delve into all the details of the main technique in fertility treatment and its main applications. We bring you the latest advances from the hand of our experienced professionals. The processes, tests and investigations involved in the meticulous work of the IVF laboratory.

The risk of ectopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus. The most common place for this to happen is in the Fallopian tubes and it impedes progress of the pregnancy. In vitro fertilisation was traditionally believed to […]

What are the potential complications associated with IVF?
In vitro fertilisation is the most common form of reproductive medicine and, since the issues which need to be solved are often complex, it is not always possible to get the desired result. Over the […]

What can we see in ultrasound scans: follicles or oocytes?
Mistaking ovarian follicles for oocytes is one of the most common errors made by patients. During ovarian stimulation, whether this is for regulating ovulation for insemination or for in vitro fertilisation, patients are administered different types of medicines depending on each […]

How can the best spermatozoon for fertilising an egg be selected?
Selection of the spermatozoon capable of fertilising an egg and generating a viable embryo is a subject that has been covered in a great number of studies aiming to provide this question with an answer. […]

When can I find out how many of my ova have fertilised?
Ova and spermatozoa are needed in order to be able to perform in vitro fertilisation treatment. They are taken to the in vitro fertilisation laboratory so that, once they have been appropriately prepared, they can be joined […]

Why hasn’t my assisted reproduction treatment worked?
The miracle of conception involves an intimate union between the ova and spermatozoon, appropriate evolution of the fertilised embryo and, furthermore, an ideal environment inside the uterus so that implantation can take place. Whilst this process might seem simple, […]

Is the EmbryoGlue® culture medium that is used during embryo development efficient?
The embryo transfer procedure is one of the most crucial and decisive procedures carried out during an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. For this process to be successful, the culture media in which the embryos […]

AIDS. Assisted reproduction is the best option
The risk of contracting HIV during unprotected sexual intercourse is estimated to be between 0.5 and 1%. For serodiscordant couples (one partner is a carrier), trying for a child naturally can entail an elevated risk […]

Embryonic development: the embryo on day 1 (D1)
When an oocyte is in an optimum state of maturation, ovulation takes place. This is known as day 0 of development (D0) and fertilisation by a competent spermatozoon must take place during this period. When the oocyte […]

Is there hope for me following fertilisation failure after ICSI?
In vitro fertilisation treatment (IVF) techniques consist of fertilising oocytes with spermatozoa in a laboratory. They are held under conditions that are similar to their natural environment and, a few days later, the best embryo is selected and […]