Poor Ovarian Response Unit
The number and quality of oocytes decreases with age, which is why there are more difficulties for natural conception, and sometimes conventional assisted reproduction techniques fail. The Low Ovarian Reserve unit at Instituto Bernabeu designs innovative diagnostic and treatment techniques shared in this section.

Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is no longer a crystal ball
Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is used in reproductive medicine as an ovarian reserve marker. This hormone is detected using a simple blood analysis and, in conjunction with a follicle count ultrasound scan on the ovaries, it helps us to […]

Why hasn’t my assisted reproduction treatment worked?
The miracle of conception involves an intimate union between the ova and spermatozoon, appropriate evolution of the fertilised embryo and, furthermore, an ideal environment inside the uterus so that implantation can take place. Whilst this process might seem simple, […]

Poor ovarian reserve; which means of diagnosis is the most reliable?
If we take into account that women’s oocytes develop before they are even born and that, after birth, the oocytes progressively decrease in number until they run out completely when women reach the menopause, the concept […]

What tests do I need to have before egg donation treatment?
Egg donation has become an option for women who, for whatever reason, can no longer use their own ova. For example, due to poor ovarian reserve, poor oocyte quality and premature menopause. The process is widely used […]

The extent of the issue Obesity is a public health issue both in the general population and in women of childbearing age. The figures are a proof of this and, far from improving, the problem […]

Women currently seek guidance on reproduction at a much older age than they did some years ago. As a result, amongst the women who undergo fertility treatment, there is a significant group of women of […]

Do I suffer from low ovarian response? how should I treat it?
We refer to low response when the number of eggs obtained in a patient during an IVF cycle is lower than expected. A patient is defined as a low responder when 3 or less eggs […]

Oocyte quality is one of the most important of the factors that have an impact on fertility in women. Optimum oocyte quality generally gives rise to embryos with an increased ability to implant in the uterus.

Fragile X chromosome syndrome and fertility
What are the physical characteristics and symptoms of the X Fragile syndrome? Fragile X syndrome is one of the most common causes of hereditary intellectual disability. The gene responsible for the disease is known as […]

i-Port: bidding farewell to injections during ovarian stimulation
At Instituto Bernabeu, we are bidding farewell to ovarian stimulation injections during courses of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. The clinic is launching an innovative device called i-Port Advance™ for self-administration of drugs using a system that is already used […]