The magical moment of pregnancy also comes with many questions. Confirmation, first symptoms, how many ultrasounds will be necessary, how many times we must visit the gynaecologist, what care should be followed, diet, how to face 9 months of pregnancy and advice on childbirth. Here you will find all the answers from the hand of our specialists.

Pregnancy and Lupus, possible complications and treatments
Things to consider before looking for a baby Systemic lupus erythematosus (also known by its acronym SLE or simply as lupus) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own defence system attacks the tissues […]

How do autoimmune diseases affect fertility and pregnancy?
Autoimmune diseases increase the complications risk and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and have also been linked in some studies to increased risk of infertility and sterility of autoimmune origin. Women with autoimmune diseases have an increased […]

Pregnancy after a c-section. How long should I wait?
After a caesarean section, the uterus is left with a scar that makes it weaker. It’s important to know how long we need to wait between c-sections before trying to get pregnant again. How c-section […]

Ovarian diseases and how it affects fertility
The glands responsible for the female sexual hormones production (oestrogen and progesterone) are the ovaries; They are important hormones for proper sexual development in women, as well as playing an important role in fertility, pregnancy […]

Can I become pregnant on infertile days?
One of the frequent questions asked by many patients in the gynaecology clinic is whether they can become pregnant on infertile days. We have the expert opinion of Doctor Cecilia Quetglas, Instituto Bernabeu Gynaecologist in […]

How do I know if I am leaking amniotic fluid in pregnancy?
Amniotic fluid is a vital element for the development of the baby in the mother’s womb. Among other things, it protects the baby from injury and heat loss, so it is essential to maintain the …

Thyroid function when looking for pregnancy
What does the Thyroid do? The thyroid is a gland located in the neck. Its job is to produce thyroid hormone in the right amount. The correct production of thyroid hormone is checked by measuring […]

Gonadotrophins: What are they? What are their functions?
Reproductive processes are regulated by hormones called gonadotrophins. These hormones are present in both men and women. The hormones in this group are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The […]

Getting pregnant with an irregular cycle
One of the main questions we see on a daily basis in gynaecological consultations is associated with irregular menstrual cycles. We must bear in mind that regular cycles are those occuring every 28 days in […]