The magical moment of pregnancy also comes with many questions. Confirmation, first symptoms, how many ultrasounds will be necessary, how many times we must visit the gynaecologist, what care should be followed, diet, how to face 9 months of pregnancy and advice on childbirth. Here you will find all the answers from the hand of our specialists.
A more reliable means of detecting anti-Müllerian hormone and evaluating ovarian reserve
A new, much more reliable, faster technique (results are obtained in 3 days) has been incorporated into our clinic and, since it is carried out directly in our laboratories, it has brought the price down to […]
A boy or a girl: can I choose my baby’s gender?
Whilst it is technically possible to choose a child’s gender using pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, Spanish law prohibits selecting a baby’s sex, except with a view to avoiding the transmission of genetic diseases associated with the X chromosome. […]
What is the FSH and what is its function?
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is essential to reproduction. It is produced by the pituitary gland situated just below the brain (behind the palate) and is released into the bloodstream. The hormone regulates the ovaries and is involved in the […]
The 600 recessive disorders detected by the Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT)
Nowadays, all couples who wish to avoid passing on genetic disorders to their children can choose to do so through a Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT), also known as Prenatal Recessive Disorder Screening. The Instituto Bernabeu GCT is […]
The immune system and pregnancy
Numerous factors are involved in making the amazing miracle of pregnancy possible. Many of them are very well understood whilst others, such as the immune system and its role in embryo implantation, given their importance, […]
Embryo transfer on day 3 or day 5. The pros and cons.
Determining the ideal day for embryo transfer has always been a controversial issue and there are, even today, still a number of doubts surrounding this issue. Embryo culture is, basically, a selection process. Each embryo’s […]
Obesity and embryo implantation failure
It has long been known that patients who are overweight face increased reproduction and pregnancy loss issues. Issues achieving a successful pregnancy are even greater if, as well as being obese, the patient also has […]
Hyperprolactinaemia: excess of prolactin and fertility
Prolactin is a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and although it also forms part of the stress hormone circuit, it plays a vital role in breast development during pregnancy and the production […]
Calculating ovulation: the best time to get pregnant
One of the most frequently asked questions among couples is how to calculate the most fertile days of the cycle and when ovulation will take place in order to make this coincide with sexual intercourse. […]
Recurrent pregnancy loss: an issue that does have a solution
Clearly one of the most difficult situations a couple trying for children may have to face is pregnancy loss. Suffering is even greater when, prior to this, the couple has gone through fertility treatment such […]