


The magical moment of pregnancy also comes with many questions. Confirmation, first symptoms, how many ultrasounds will be necessary, how many times we must visit the gynaecologist, what care should be followed, diet, how to face 9 months of pregnancy and advice on childbirth. Here you will find all the answers from the hand of our specialists.

Blastocyst, advantages of a transfer on day 4 or 5

Blastocyst, advantages of a transfer on day 4 or 5

When we perform an assisted reproduction cycle, we try to optimise the results as much as possible. Currently, the most physiological way of achieving this is with an embryo culture that reaches the blastocyst stage.

IB Low Ovarian Response Unit

IB Low Ovarian Response Unit

A patient with low response to the ovarian stimulation for IVF is probably the most significant challenge faced by professionals treating couples with fertility problems.

IB implantation failure and repeated miscarriage unit

IB implantation failure and repeated miscarriage unit

At Instituto Bernabeu, we have developed a specific programme with protocols designed to treat repeated miscarriages and unsuccessful assisted reproduction treatments through the multidisciplinary approach that allows us to diagnose and therefore overcome these problems.

FIRST MONTH OF PREGNANCY: WEEK 6-9 (1st visit to gynaecologist)

FIRST MONTH OF PREGNANCY: WEEK 6-9 (1st visit to gynaecologist)

During these first 8 weeks, our baby is in what we call the embryonic stage. Physiologically, babies begin to develop the beginnings of limbs, which will result in their arms and legs. Their height reaches 9 […]

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