


The magical moment of pregnancy also comes with many questions. Confirmation, first symptoms, how many ultrasounds will be necessary, how many times we must visit the gynaecologist, what care should be followed, diet, how to face 9 months of pregnancy and advice on childbirth. Here you will find all the answers from the hand of our specialists.

Subdermal contraceptive implant – what is it, how does it work, how effective is it?

Subdermal contraceptive implant – what is it, how does it work, how effective is it?

The contraceptive implant is a small rod, 4cm long and 2mm thick, which is placed in the arm at the subdermal level. This implant progressively releases a hormone similar to progesterone, preventing ovulation and therefore […]

What is the best biological age to become a mother? How to know what is the age limit for me?

What is the best biological age to become a mother? How to know what is the age limit for me?

Nowadays there’re many factors influencing the decision to become a mother. Professional career, economic stability or the moment when the gestational desire appears can be perfectly valid reasons for delaying the search for pregnancy. However, […]

Basal ultrasound scan: antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve

Basal ultrasound scan: antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve

The antral follicle count (AFR) is one of the first tests to be performed on a woman undergoing infertility testing. It’s a transvaginal ultrasound in which the number of follicles – cystic structures that form […]

Sperm DNA fragmentation

Sperm DNA fragmentation

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the genetic information used in the development and functioning of organisms and is present in all human cells except red blood cells. In the case of human […]

Hyperandrogenism: Causes and solutions

Hyperandrogenism: Causes and solutions

All women, especially in the reproductive age, physiologically produce a low concentration of male gonads or androgens. Some diseases cause an increase in the concentration of these male gonads, such as hyperandrogenism. Being able to […]

Observation study to better understand the endometrial maturation process and its importance in establishing a pregnancy

Observation study to better understand the endometrial maturation process and its importance in establishing a pregnancy

At Instituto Bernabeu we want to continue advancing in today’s knowledge about the embryo implantation process, which is still very limited. Therefore, we are carrying out a study to assess the importance of the changes […]

Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) in patients who require assisted reproduction: is there sufficient evidence?

Endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) in patients who require assisted reproduction: is there sufficient evidence?

The ‘implantation window’ defines the period of time during which the endometrium in the mother’s uterus is in suitable condition for embryo implantation. Determining when this implantation window occurs is an intense field of study within […]

GCT: Genetic Compatibility Test to avoid passing hereditary diseases

GCT: Genetic Compatibility Test to avoid passing hereditary diseases

Our Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT) based on next-generation DNA sequencing analyzes more than  600 or 3000 disorders. For a person with an hereditary disease, eliminating the chance of passing that disease on to their children becomes a desire […]

Alcohol effects on fertility, pregnancy and assisted reproduction treatments

Alcohol effects on fertility, pregnancy and assisted reproduction treatments

Human fertility is a condition predetermined by genetic factors and, later modulated, by biological and social factors. The genetic and biological ones cannot be modified. With assisted reproduction techniques we have managed to overcome previously […]

Flu vaccinations during fertility treatment

Flu vaccinations during fertility treatment

Vaccinations are essential for good health at all times, but they are particularly important during conception and pregnancy, both from the point of view of protecting the mother and from the point of view of protecting […]

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