


The magical moment of pregnancy also comes with many questions. Confirmation, first symptoms, how many ultrasounds will be necessary, how many times we must visit the gynaecologist, what care should be followed, diet, how to face 9 months of pregnancy and advice on childbirth. Here you will find all the answers from the hand of our specialists.

What impact does cholesterol have on my fertility?

What impact does cholesterol have on my fertility?

Cholesterol plays an essential role in ensuring that our organism works correctly. Its impact on the heart is still given priority in terms of analysis because of the elevated impact and frequency of diseases of […]

Reproduction and genetics guidance

Reproduction and genetics guidance

Genetics guidance is the exchange through which an expert in genetics provides patients and their families with information and support on a genetic condition, inheriting that condition, the risk of recurrence and the implications for the individual and his […]

Can a patient know and choose their future child’s gender?

Can a patient know and choose their future child’s gender?

It is possible to determine the gender of a future baby (embryo) before transfer takes place. In fact, this strategy has been used for many years in order to avoid the transmission of sex chromosome […]

Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?

Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?

The immune system plays a very important role in the health of human beings, acting as a defence barrier against harmful organisms or substances. Immunology is a very complex area when trying to get pregnant or as […]

The ethical issues faced in assisted reproduction clinics

The ethical issues faced in assisted reproduction clinics

Although Spanish law led the way in regulating the practice of assisted reproduction and made significant progress in comparison with legislation in neighbouring countries, and even though Spain is, furthermore, a leader in the field both […]

Should I tell my son they were born by of IVF or egg donation?

Should I tell my son they were born by of IVF or egg donation?

One of the questions that couples frequently ask me in their appointments is if they should tell their child that they were the result of IVF or egg donation? How will the child react when told? The answer […]

Using stem cells as the answer to ovarian failure. Hope or reality?

Using stem cells as the answer to ovarian failure. Hope or reality?

Significant progress has been made over the last few decades in the field of fertility in order for patients to be able to have children of their own. However, one of the greatest challenges in reproductive medicine is pregnancy in […]

What are the main causes of male sterility and infertility?

What are the main causes of male sterility and infertility?

The male partner’s role in infertility has, historically, been undervalued and underdiagnosed for cultural and social reasons. However, we are now seeing progress in the analysis of men and a growing interest amongst patients in their fertility […]

Can I get pregnant with only one fallopian tube or none?

Can I get pregnant with only one fallopian tube or none?

The uterine tubes (or fallopian tubes) are muscular tubes leading from the ovaries into the uterus. The uterine tubes are responsible for collecting the egg each month. Fusion between the egg and the sperm (fertilisation) also takes place inside them. The […]

A less invasive, simpler technique: SOFT IVF or MINI IVF

A less invasive, simpler technique: SOFT IVF or MINI IVF

Having a sufficient number of mature egg cells is one of the key steps to obtaining excellent results in a cycle of in vitro fertilisation (IVF). In order to achieve this, the ovaries need to […]

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