

Urology and andrology

Learn about the most important aspects of the urinary system and the male genital system, the sexual and reproductive function of men and discover aspects of interest around the medical area that takes care of the reproductive and sexual health of men.

How to be a parent after vasectomy?

How to be a parent after vasectomy?

Vasectomy acts as an obstructive azoospermia which means it achieves the absence of spermatozoa and spermatogenic cells in the sperm and urine after ejaculation, due to a bilateral obstruction of the seminal ducts. It is […]

The role of seminal fluid in improving fertility treatment

The role of seminal fluid in improving fertility treatment

There are two parts to semen: spermatozoa and the seminal fluid that the spermatozoa use as their means of travel. Seminal fluid has traditionally been attributed the role of a simple means of transportation. However, many years […]

Tobacco and semen quality

Tobacco and semen quality

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nowadays between 10 and 15% of couples have fertility issues and between 30 and 35% of the reasons for infertility can be found in the male partner. Therefore, improving […]

A father’s age and its impact on the health of his children

A father’s age and its impact on the health of his children

Anyone who works in the field of fertility puts a great deal of time and effort into working out how to improve pregnancy rates. However, significantly less time is spent thinking about the period that follows gestation […]

Premature ejaculation and other ejaculate-related issues

Premature ejaculation and other ejaculate-related issues

Ejaculation is the organic process that controls the discharge of semen from the seminal vesicles to outside the body. Substances of nutritional and maintenance value are added along the route in order to guarantee vitality […]

What is orchitis? What impact does it have on male fertility?

What is orchitis? What impact does it have on male fertility?

Mumps rubalavirus leads to an illness during infancy that is commonly known as mumps and that can, in some cases, affect male fertility and lead to male fertility issues. In cases such as these, the illness can affect […]

Exhaustive sperm donor selection and exclusion criteria

Exhaustive sperm donor selection and exclusion criteria

Nowadays, many couples have to turn to gamete donation in order to make their dream of becoming parents come true. In cases such as these, the couple tends to have common and understandable doubts about […]

Temperature and Semen Quality

Temperature and Semen Quality

It is common knowledge that a seminogram is one of the basic tests that couples who are having issues getting pregnant. In other words, the male partner’s semen needs to be analysed in order to check […]

AIDS. Assisted reproduction is the best option

AIDS. Assisted reproduction is the best option

The risk of contracting HIV during unprotected sexual intercourse is estimated to be between 0.5 and 1%. For serodiscordant couples (one partner is a carrier), trying for a child naturally can entail an elevated risk […]

DNA fragmentation in sperm: TUNEL

DNA fragmentation in sperm: TUNEL

When a couple fails to get pregnant or has an unsuccessful pregnancy, a number of tests performed on both partners is recommended. One of the basic tests in analysis of the male partner involves performing a seminogram […]

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