

Urology and andrology

Learn about the most important aspects of the urinary system and the male genital system, the sexual and reproductive function of men and discover aspects of interest around the medical area that takes care of the reproductive and sexual health of men.

Infertility in men and cryptorchidism

Infertility in men and cryptorchidism

Cryptorchidism, from the Greek words kriptos (hidden) and orquis (testicle), is the failure of one or both testes to descend to the scrotum. It is estimated that between 2 and 5% of newborn boys have […]

The impact of cannabis on semen

The impact of cannabis on semen

Today’s post aims to explain the conclusions drawn from research performed by the Biology Department at Instituto Bernabeu in Alicante in collaboration with the Biotechnology Department at the University of Alicante. The work in question […]

Seminal lavage in males with HIV

Seminal lavage in males with HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus and, during its most advanced stage of infection, it leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Whilst there is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral treatments do exist that stop the symptoms […]

Sperm capacitation

Sperm capacitation

The spermatozoa in ejaculate need to have gone through a process known as sperm capacitation in order to obtain the ability to fertilise. This happens naturally in the female reproductive system and techniques in order to […]

Effects of advanced paternal age on fertility

Effects of advanced paternal age on fertility

Owing to sociocultural and economic factors, there has been a considerable increase in recent years in the number of men over the age of 35 who wish to have children. As a couple ages, the […]

Sterility and Infertility

Sterility and Infertility

Are sterility and infertility the same? No, they are two completely different concepts. Sterility is the inability to conceive whilst infertility is the inability to complete a full term pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child. […]

Does being sexually aroused improve semen quality?

Does being sexually aroused improve semen quality?

It has been scientifically proven that there are risk factors in our daily lives that have a negative impact on the quantity and quality of spermatozoa. These factors include emotional stress, doing a physically demanding job, sitting for […]

What are the main causes of male sterility and infertility?

What are the main causes of male sterility and infertility?

The male partner’s role in infertility has, historically, been undervalued and underdiagnosed for cultural and social reasons. However, we are now seeing progress in the analysis of men and a growing interest amongst patients in their fertility […]

What information does a FISH procedure on spermatozoa provide us with?

What information does a FISH procedure on spermatozoa provide us with?

When a fertility analysis in the male partner is limited to a seminogram or spermiogram, we only get a partial view of semen quality. A seminogram only provides us with information on the number and characteristics of sperm […]

What is a spermatid?

What is a spermatid?

Spermatozoa production takes place in the testicular seminiferous tubules and the process is known as spermatogenesis.  At the end of this process, a germ cell generates 4 mature spermatozoa which will survive in the human body for between […]

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