Coronavirus and Endometriosis
The pandemic we are currently experiencing due to the new coronavirus COVID-19 has obviously overshadowed everything else. Still, we do not want to forget that this month is an important month for those who suffer from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a chronic, painful, and incurable disease. We know that one of the possible causes of the disease is having an altered immune system. In addition, it is known that these patients are more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases such as: lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s disease, among others.
Is there a great risk for people who suffer endometriosis to catch Coronavirus COVID-19?
It seems logical to ask ourselves if endometriosis presents a greater probability of contagion by coronavirus or if the disease would cause greater risks.
As with any other infection by other viruses, endometriosis does not necessarily pose a greater probability of contagion, since its alteration of the immune system does not imply a deficient immunity or with less defense capacity. Likewise, endometriosis itself is not a serious risk factor unless it is accompanied by diseases that are such as:
- Immunocompromised patients. Patients with autoimmune diseases usually require treatments that do effect their immune system and compromise it.
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Hypertension
Despite the low frequency of catamenial endometriosis, which is a type of endometriosis that affects the lungs, we did not want to miss the opportunity to remember that these patients are possibly at greater risk of complications.
However, although endometriosis does not make up a risk population, with the exception of catamenial endometriosis, this does not exempt patients from the obligation to follow the necessary preventive measures to be able to control this pandemic.
Dr Belén Moliner, gynecologist at Instituto Bernabeu