Egg donation at Instituto Bernabeu: features that make it unique
Instituto Bernabeu is a leading clinic in the field of egg donation. This is due to our excellent results, audited every year by two external certifying companies and provides our patients with the guarantee of a flawless process.
- Most of our treatment are performed using fresh eggs and this gives us an elevated pregnancy rate
- We stand out for the exhaustive selection of the donor seeking the maximum resemblance to the recipient mother.
- We perform a comprehensive psychological, medical and genetic selection process before accepting any candidate as a donor. 78% of all candidates are rejected because they fail to pass any one of our demanding checks that include:
- A psychological examination performed by a specialised psychologist.
- A personal and family medical history check performed by a gynaecologist specialised in fertility.
- Chromosomal and genetics studies in order to rule out the most common hereditary disorders.
- Comprehensive analyses: blood test and syphilis serology test, hepatitis, HIV and blood-clotting tests.
- Cytomegalovirus, cystic fibrosis, fragile X and alpha thalassaemia analyses.
- Screening for the 10 most common sexually transmitted diseases. Many of these tests are not required by law but we include them at Instituto Bernabeu because we believe they are necessary for guaranteeing suitability and setting paramount standards for the future family.
- At no additional cost, a genetic compatibility test (GCT) is performed on our donors to detect the 3000 / 600 most serious genetic disorders. The future father can have this test in order to cross check results with the donor and guarantee that the embryo will not have any of them.
- We also guarantee an average of 11 top quality donated oocytes and we do not include the ones that we know will not lead to suitable embryos. The future mother will have a minimum of eight ova and the guarantee that, should the number of ova be lower than this or should there be a fertilisation failure due to quality, a new donor will be provided at no additional cost.
- We have an egg donor DNA bank where DNA is stored for 20 years so that any necessary future genetic studies can be performed.
- We guarantee that selection of the most competent embryo is as natural as possible. In fact, 99% of all embryo transfers are carried out on day 5 or 6 in blastocyst stage. The long embryo culture process to blastocyst, as well as any technique aimed at success that may be needed in the embryology laboratory, are included in the treatment at no added cost.
- The superior quality of our laboratories provides high-quality embryos and this means that we can perform single embryo transfers and avoid twin pregnancies that always pose an elevated degree of risk for the mother and babies. This is how we ensure that the treatment will lead to the birth of a healthy child.
- We are confident in our results and the quality of the processes and that is why we offer you a Pregnancy Guarantee program in which we guarantee until birth or refund the full amount.
- Our in-house genetics laboratories perform the most innovative embryo diagnostic tests available. This is done in the shortest possible space of time and with paramount diagnosis reliability.
- Our patients always have a personal assistant to tend to their every need. If patients travel to us from abroad, they are catered for in their mother tongue.
- Patients who live abroad only need to travel to Spain once or, at most, twice. A team of professionals puts in place a perfectly synchronized gear that optimizes the egg donation treatment processes so that it is easy and comfortable for you.