Heparin as a Treatment for Repeat Miscarriages or Implantation Failure
Suffering from repeat miscarriages is one of the most painful situations for women trying to have children. This is especially true when these women achieve a pregnancy after using assisted reproduction treatments.
At the same time, undergoing a number of IVF cycles and embryo transfers without successful outcomes generates a desperate search for treatments.
One of the medications suggested for treating these situations is heparin.
Heparin is an effective anticoagulant that has been used for a long time in medicine for many uses, including the treatment and prevention of thrombosis.
One of the causes of implantation failure and repeat miscarriage is clotting disorders or the antibodies against it, both of which are conditions that respond well to heparin treatment. Therefore its use is recommended in patients that have a history of repeat miscarriage or implantation failure, even if they don’t present with these disorders.
Even though there is no clear and indisputable evidence proving its therapeutic effectiveness, a number of research projects that have recently been published show a trend of better success rates with heparin treatment.
Because of this, an objective and comprehensive case study is required before indicating whether or not its use is suitable.
The fact that it is a safe, well-known and well-tolerated medication in the prescribed doses opens up promising new treatment pathways.
Learn more about related topics:
- IB Unit for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Repeat Miscarriage or Implantation Failure
- Immune Rejection as a Cause of Miscarriage or Implantation Failure
Dr. Rafael Bernabeu, Medical Director of Instituto Bernabeu.