Could it be implantation failure why I don’t get pregnant?
Achieving pregnancy when pregnancy does not come is one of the challenges the medical team at Instituto Bernabeu faces every day. One of the most important challenges of female infertility is implantation failure. The embryo does not get to nest in the maternal uterus or it does but the woman undergoes an early miscarriage, which produces a great frustration. The couple should put themselves as soon as possible in the hands of the specialist and not leave to chance or wait the passage of time to solve a situation that requires a personalized study.
Instituto Bernabeu Medical Director, Dr Rafael Bernabeu explains: “The causes of implantation failure are multiple, but contrary to the general opinion, patients believe they are causing the problem when, in fact, to a great extent the problem is embryonic”. Therefore, the medical centre global benchmark in reproductive medicine develops a study of the three patients: “The mother, the father and the embryo.” Twenty-five percent of embryo implantation failures cases, “do not have a clear cause” and in many cases, there is a combination of factors that can be combined, warns Dr Rafael Bernabeu. Not only are environmental and immunological factors, they are also due to the intake of certain foods and even to the cosmetics used. “We are exposed to tens of thousands of chemical substances and many generate disorders and among them may be the cause of repeated miscarriage and implantation failure,” says Dr Bernabeu.
The time to know the diagnosis is very important. Especially in those cases when patients are coming from other cities or even abroad, since Instituto Bernabeu care for patients from 63 countries. The patient can have a diagnosis in one day. Instituto Bernabeu has a specific unit that addresses this problem in a multidisciplinary way. Due to the high degree of specialization in implantation failure, the patient undergoes a comprehensive study in a single day for the evaluation and the personalized design of its treatment. In women, a genetic profile of implantation failure risks, a thrombophilia and an immunological study, a karyotype, vitamin D levels and hysteroscopy and high resolution ultrasound of the uterus are performed. At the same time, an analysis of the male profile is also developed through a karyotype, a study of DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and a sperm FISH. And embryo studies are also carried out, because in half of the cases implantation failures are due to chromosomal abnormalities and thanks to the application of the PGS/PGT-A/CCS (Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening) technique, it is ascertained if the embryo presents these alterations.
At the Implantation Failure Unit collaborate expert’s immunologists in the development of personalized protocols that improve the possibility of a correct implantation when the rejection occurs towards a body that supposes an invasion in the uterus of the mother. And constant research is essential to discover what prevents the embryo from nesting. As a result of these studies, the referring institution in reproductive medicine of Alicante has discovered the adenomyosis, as one of the problems that provoke the rejection of the embryo in the endometrium, reason why part of the study is focused in this great unknown factor.
Relying on the best specialists who are going to customize each treatment, is the best way to feel calm and know that their problem is addressed in a comprehensive way to solve it and achieve the desire to become parents.
Know our specialized Implantation Failure and Repeated Miscarriage Unit at Instituto Bernabeu.