

Foro IB

Dysmenorrhea “period pain”: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dysmenorrhea “period pain”: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dysmenorrhea is a problem that can significantly affect women’s quality of life. It affects about 60% of women in childbearing age, to a greater or lesser degree, and is one of the most frequent reasons […]

Testicle diseases and how they affect the male fertility

Testicle diseases and how they affect the male fertility

Infertility is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the inability to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sex.” Therefore, […]

From ovarian rejuvenation to follicle activation, strategies for patients with low ovarian reserve

From ovarian rejuvenation to follicle activation, strategies for patients with low ovarian reserve

As a result of a number of different factors – essentially social and economic ones – including medical progress (availability and widespread use of contraception), there is a growing demographic trend in the Western world towards […]

All you wish to know about embryo vitrification

All you wish to know about embryo vitrification

Vitrification allows us to preserve embryos and have them in the future. This technique was incorporated into assisted reproduction and superseded the rest of cryopreservation techniques due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Índice1 Is there […]

Female genital cosmetic surgery. Is it a matter of aesthetics or of health?

Female genital cosmetic surgery. Is it a matter of aesthetics or of health?

An increasing number of women wish to feel at ease with their bodies and turn to intimate or female genital surgery in order to feel more confident during sexual intercourse and get greater pleasure out […]

After having a child, why can I get pregnant a second time?

After having a child, why can I get pregnant a second time?

Índice1 Secondary Infertility, what is it?2 What causes secondary infertility?2.1 Frequent causes, common in both are:2.2 Causes occurring after the previous pregnancy:3 When should be consulted with a specialist?4 Bibliography Secondary Infertility, what is it? […]

Use of platelet-rich growth factor (PRP) in implantation failure and thin endometriums

Use of platelet-rich growth factor (PRP) in implantation failure and thin endometriums

Despite advances in the treatment of reproductive disorders, the embryo implantation is still far from being fully understood and, therefore, an effective treatment is not always at reach. At Instituto Bernabeu we are fully aware […]

COVID vaccination, pregnancy and fertility treatment

COVID vaccination, pregnancy and fertility treatment

Vaccination against Covid-19 is now a reality. And with it, some interrogations that affect fertility treatments and pregnancy, as for the little time that has passed, there are still no conclusive studies. Since December 2020, […]

Day 3 embryo cuture

Day 3 embryo cuture

From the moment of fertilization, the embryo’s first divisions have been the oocyte responsibility, as the DNA and proteins synthesis took place before fertilization. Therefore, day 3 of embryo culture represents the end of a […]

Doubts, questions and answers about egg vitrification

Doubts, questions and answers about egg vitrification

Índice1 What is the egg vitrification about?2 How long can my eggs remain frozen without damage?3 Can my fertility be affected or reduced after vitrification if I later want to naturally get pregnant?4 What is […]

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