

Foro IB

Azoospermia in the IVF lab

Azoospermia in the IVF lab

Azoospermia is defined as the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, which is generally classified as either obstructive or secretory. Índice1 Obstructive azoospermia2 Secretory azoospermia3 Ratings4 Solutions Obstructive azoospermia In obstructive azoospermia, the sperm cells […]

Gestagens: progesterone and derivates

Gestagens: progesterone and derivates

Índice1 What are gestagens?2 What types of gestagens can we find?3 What is the role of gestagens?4 When and how do we supply gestagens?5 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the use of gestagens […]

Safety and comfort in the Assisted Reproduction Technique

Safety and comfort in the Assisted Reproduction Technique

Those of us who are lucky enough to work in Assisted Reproduction have experienced great advances during our professional careers that will undoubtedly constitute historical milestones in medical science forever. Since the birth of the […]

What is the embryologist role in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment?

What is the embryologist role in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment?

The retrieval of the oocytes from the follicular fluid marks the beginning of a series of events the purpose of which is to achieve a pregnancy and a later birth of a healthy baby. This […]

Fertilization failure

Fertilization failure

Fertilization is a key step in sexual reproduction, is the union between a healthy egg and sperm, giving place to a zygote: the first cell of a living person. In the assisted reproduction lab, fertilization […]

Fertility false myths

Fertility false myths

Índice1 Does taking birth control effect my future fertility?2 Can I increase my chances of having a boy or a girl by programming intercourse?  3 Drinking coffee when trying to get pregnant is bad4 I’ll […]

Immunotherapy with lymphocytes of male partner for embryo nesting.  No evidence to back any benefit

Immunotherapy with lymphocytes of male partner for embryo nesting. No evidence to back any benefit

As we all know, our immune system is in charge of protecting us against agents that can cause disease, such as bacteria or viruses. Basically, the immune system detects if an agent is foreign to […]

Assisted Reproduction legislation for women without a male partner

Assisted Reproduction legislation for women without a male partner

In modern society, the increasing demand for assisted reproduction techniques from single women and same-sex couples has become a reality. From the perspective of reproduction, women only need to receive the male gamete (sperm). For […]

What is artificial insemination at home?

What is artificial insemination at home?

As a result of a number of television programmes, as well as articles in newspapers and online, it has now become public knowledge that what we commonly know as artificial insemination at home is becoming […]

How do genetics and epigenetics affect the embryo?

How do genetics and epigenetics affect the embryo?

Índice1 What are genetics and epigenetics?2 How does it do it? What are genetics and epigenetics? Genetics and epigenetics are two, closely-related branches of biology. The former is much more well known and consists of studying […]

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