

Foro IB

Fertility preservation in patients with cancer. Bernabeu Foundation free programme

Fertility preservation in patients with cancer. Bernabeu Foundation free programme

We are now delaying the time to have our first child. As of today, the average Spanish woman age to become pregnant for the first time is above 31. Before conceiving, we are exposed to […]

Stress and its role in infertility

Stress and its role in infertility

Infertility is an issue which has significant emotionally taxing consequences for couples. The inability to fulfil such an important part of personal development as having children directly affects all aspects of the patients’ lives. Índice1 Psychological […]

Does the egg donor age affect the egg donation treatment results?

Does the egg donor age affect the egg donation treatment results?

From the first patient’s pregnancy with another woman’s eggs in 1983, almost 40 years ago, the egg donation has probably become the most demanded technique in fertility clinics for those couples who otherwise will not […]

Environmental toxic substances, endocrine disruptors and fertility

Environmental toxic substances, endocrine disruptors and fertility

Over the last few years, there has been growing scientific interest in understanding the relationship between environmental and occupational exposure to toxic substances and contaminants and a variety of human health issues, in addition to […]

Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility

Nutritional Recommendations for Fertility

“Those who take medicine and neglect their diet will be wasting their time and their doctors’ skills” – Chinese proverb- This quote is especially relevant to this article because despite the latest advances in medicine […]

ICSI indications

ICSI indications

Use of the intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection (ICSI) technique began in the 1990s. It has been successfully used to resolve most severe cases of male sterility. Here is some information about when we use the ICSI technique: Índice1 […]

How to deal with the diagnosis of sterility due to unknown causes

How to deal with the diagnosis of sterility due to unknown causes

Now what? Why can’t I get pregnant? These are undoubtedly the first two questions that come to mind after being evaluated for a fertility problem and the doctor tells you that there’s no known cause […]

How Celiac disease affects fertility? And when you are already pregnant?

How Celiac disease affects fertility? And when you are already pregnant?

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten, a plant-based protein found in cereals such as wheat, spelt, Kamut and so on1  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) classes Celiac disease as a chronic illness that occurs in […]

Emotional support for repeated miscarriages

Emotional support for repeated miscarriages

According to the WHO, infertility is considered a chronic illness, since it causes emotional reactions that are the same as those seen in patients with other serious chronic pathologies. Infertility is considered to be a […]

Natural cell killers (NKC): influence in reproduction and in the embryo’s implantation failure

Natural cell killers (NKC): influence in reproduction and in the embryo’s implantation failure

Embryo implantation in the mother’s uterus is a very important phenomenon in the human survival and evolution. Many of its regulating processes have been already described but we still have a long way to understand […]

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