

Foro IB

Children born to blood relatives

Children born to blood relatives

The question of relationships between blood relatives has been approached in many different ways throughout the course of history. There have been times when relationships of this kind have been commonly accepted. Whilst at other […]

Embryo implantation bleeding

Embryo implantation bleeding

Índice1 What is implantation bleeding?2 When does the embryo implantation happen?3 How does the implantation bleeding happen?4 What happens after 6 to 10 days after fertilization?5 What are the characteristics of implantation bleeding? Colour, quantity […]

Anembryonic gestation

Anembryonic gestation

The anembryonic pregnancy or “blighted ovum” is a specific type of miscarriage in which the fertilized egg implants in the uterus but the embryo does not develop. It is a relatively common problem: 10-15% of […]

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).When is it indicated?

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).When is it indicated?

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a very useful tool in Assisted Reproduction for the genetic selection of embryos prior to their transfer to the maternal uterus. It allows the selection of healthy embryos for a […]

The advantages of not delaying motherhood and the risks of postponing it

The advantages of not delaying motherhood and the risks of postponing it

Did you know that if you’ve just turned 40, by your next birthday you will have lost about half of your fertility you have at this moment? From the age of 36, you lose 2% […]

Embryonic arrest, why don’t all of my embryos develop equally?

Embryonic arrest, why don’t all of my embryos develop equally?

When one starts an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment, one of the most frequent concerns is the number of high quality embryos that can be obtained. This number is variable and depends on several factors such as the ovarian reserve and […]

Does ovarian stimulation for IVF increase the risk of cancer?

Does ovarian stimulation for IVF increase the risk of cancer?

One of the common concerns that women who are about to embark on in vitro fertilisation treatment have is the hypothetical risk of getting gynaecological cancer as a side effect of hormone stimulation. Since in vitro fertilisation began, […]

What is the ‘implantation window’ in fertility treatment?

What is the ‘implantation window’ in fertility treatment?

The ‘implantation window’ is the name we give to the period of time during which the endometrium in the mother’s uterus is in an appropriate state for embryo implantation to take place. Índice1 When does the implantation […]

Assisted hatching

Assisted hatching

Assisted hatching is a technique used in the in vitro fertilisation laboratory that consists of making a small hole in the membrane that surrounds the embryo, the zona pellucida (ZP), with the aim of making […]

Tobacco and semen quality

Tobacco and semen quality

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nowadays between 10 and 15% of couples have fertility issues and between 30 and 35% of the reasons for infertility can be found in the male partner. Therefore, improving […]

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