

Foro IB

Reproductive Medicine for Jews

Reproductive Medicine for Jews

The Bible (Torah) teaches us that God created the world in 6 days. The last day He created man and woman and gave them a commandment: grow and multiply (Genesis 1:28) that must be obeyed […]

How many eggs on average are donated on an Egg Donation treatment at Instituto Bernabeu?

How many eggs on average are donated on an Egg Donation treatment at Instituto Bernabeu?

In Spain, we performed 40% of all egg donation cycles in Europe. The experience accumulated at Instituto Bernabeu in the last decades, allows us to offer to our patients a high quality and personalized treatment. When […]

Heparin as a Treatment for Repeat Miscarriages or Implantation Failure

Heparin as a Treatment for Repeat Miscarriages or Implantation Failure

Suffering from repeat miscarriages is one of the most painful situations for women trying to have children. This is especially true when these women achieve a pregnancy after using assisted reproduction treatments.

Genetics in premature ovarian failure and menopause

Genetics in premature ovarian failure and menopause

Oocytes are the female gametes, cells that, upon being fertilised by the sperm, will produce an embryo. In humans, the number of oocytes that females have throughout their lives is not unlimited; they are born […]

Surrogacy or uterine surrogacy: Why is it illegal in Spain?

Surrogacy or uterine surrogacy: Why is it illegal in Spain?

Since the first Spanish law on assisted reproduction was promulgated in 1988, the contract that regulates uterine surrogacy has been considered null and void. It was formalized in a lucrative or altruistic way, as affiliation […]

Blocked fallopian tube. The involvement of “tubal factor” in fertility

Blocked fallopian tube. The involvement of “tubal factor” in fertility

The Fallopian tubes are trumpet-shaped structures that begin in the uterine cavity and end up opening by the ovaries. After ovulation, the fallopian tubes collect the released egg that is fertilized on the first portion, […]

Choosing a fertilisation technique when oocyte counts are poor. IVF or ICSI?

Choosing a fertilisation technique when oocyte counts are poor. IVF or ICSI?

A low ovarian response is an increasingly common situation for clinicians. It is mainly associated with delayed motherhood and, accordingly, with lower ovarian reserves. In this type of patients, the number of oocytes retrieved after […]

Multiple pregnancy: Why is it important to avoid pregnancy of twins or triplets?

Multiple pregnancy: Why is it important to avoid pregnancy of twins or triplets?

Multiple pregnancy is, along with ovarian hyperstimulation, the most significant complication in fertility treatments. Índice1 Advantages of transferring 1 embryo2 Risk Factors for Multiple Pregnancy Advantages of transferring 1 embryo Most couples that go through […]

Recommendations of the ESHRE with regards to Coronavirus

Recommendations of the ESHRE with regards to Coronavirus

Communication for the resumption of fertility treatments. Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has reached pandemic proportions; Its rapid spread poses unique challenges to global health and entails the implementation of extraordinary measures worldwide to limit its spread. […]

Criteria for embryo classification

Criteria for embryo classification

Embryos develop from the moment they are fertilised up until transfer to the mother’s uterus and this development process is assessed by embryologists. The embryos that have evolved correctly and are in the best condition are selected […]

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