

Foro IB

Types of diagnostic tests to detect coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Types of diagnostic tests to detect coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

In December 2019, a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was identified in Wuhan (China) as the microorganism responsible for the appearance in humans of severe and lethal pneumonia in some cases, with person-to-person transmission through small droplets […]

Diabetes & pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Diabetes & pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic

25 April, 2020 The Coronavirus pandemic will not end when the isolation order ends and although circulation through the streets will be permitted with the appropriate protective measures, pregnant women must continue to avoid contagion […]

Monday 27: We retake our activity by always looking after the facilities protection and the patients and our human team health

Monday 27: We retake our activity by always looking after the facilities protection and the patients and our human team health

From this Monday the 27th, we will take one step further to reestablish the fertility treatments as the European Fertility Society (ESHRE) informed yesterday Thursday afternoon, that all assisted reproduction cycles can be safely performed […]

Nutrition and exercise during quarantine for pregnant women

Nutrition and exercise during quarantine for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the future mother undergoes many hormonal changes. In addition, it is important to attend to the nutritional needs given the new situation of home isolation due to COVID-19. It is important to follow […]

What does tubal ligation entail? The advantages and disadvantages of this method of birth control

What does tubal ligation entail? The advantages and disadvantages of this method of birth control

Tubal ligation (also referred to as bilateral tubal occlusion) is a permanent method of birth control. It consists of blocking off access to the Fallopian tubes to avoid the ovum being fertilised by a spermatozoon. Índice1 How […]

Breast Feeding and COVID-19. Is it safe for newborns?

Breast Feeding and COVID-19. Is it safe for newborns?

Given the pandemic we are living in, it is very important to safeguard breastfeeding. To stop breastfeeding in the face of the coronavirus (COVID19) may pose more risk than benefit for both the mother and […]

Hysterosalpingographies versus sonohysterographies

Hysterosalpingographies versus sonohysterographies

Los problemas en las Trompas de Falopio pueden ser una causa de esterilidad. Las alteraciones en estas estructuras tubulares, siendo la más frecuente su obstrucción, pueden dificultar o impedir el adecuado encuentro entre el óvulo […]

Security in the IVF laboratory in times of coronavirus

Security in the IVF laboratory in times of coronavirus

Given the current global situation due to the coronavirus pandemic, IVF laboratories around the world have closed their doors. At Instituto Bernabeu we follow a strict protocol for the maintenance of equipment and frozen samples […]

Endoscopic surgery for fertility

Endoscopic surgery for fertility

The use of endoscopic surgery, whether this be abdominal (laparoscopy) or transvaginal (hysteroscopy), has provided for huge steps forward in medicine as a whole and in the field of gynaecology in particular. The techniques are only minimally invasive, […]

Psychological support to cope with the current situation: Covid-19

Psychological support to cope with the current situation: Covid-19

Psychological support to cope with the current situation: Covid-19 The coronavirus has come into our lives, this reality affects us all. The way of living the same situation is what will differentiate us. The coronavirus […]

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