

Foro IB

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease among sexually active individuals. At some point in their lives, 75% of women and 85% of men are infected with the virus. In 90% […]

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels and recurrent pregnancy loss

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels and recurrent pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss is an important issue in the field of reproductive healthcare. It is generally a rather traumatic experience for women and/or their partners, and can even have a significant psychological impact. The incidence rate […]

NGS and embryonic arrest

NGS and embryonic arrest

A positive outcome in human reproduction means that the female and male gametes have to mature and fertilise properly, and early development of the embryo must be correct. Abnormalities in the embryo development process lead […]

Vaginal probiotics: what they do and how they help to achieve pregnancies

Vaginal probiotics: what they do and how they help to achieve pregnancies

The microbial species in a woman’s vaginal flora play an important role in good health and prevention of infections. Over 50 microbial species have been identified. Personal hygiene and a healthy, balanced diet are key […]

What is luteinising hormone (LH)? Understand its function and optimum levels in the search for pregnancy

What is luteinising hormone (LH)? Understand its function and optimum levels in the search for pregnancy

When it comes to trying for a child, there are many things to consider, including hormone levels in the progenitors. Sometimes, misalignments in expected values can be an impediment to pregnancy. Biologist Azahara Turienzo explains […]

“We offer Italian patients not only personalised treatment, but also a professional approach that comes from growing in scientific excellence”

“We offer Italian patients not only personalised treatment, but also a professional approach that comes from growing in scientific excellence”

Instituto Bernabeu coordinator in Venice, Ms Sara Dalla Costa, is a lawyer specialised in Bio-Law. From the beginning, she has confronted complex legal cases and issues, which has given her a very specific perspective of […]

Ovarian diseases and how it affects fertility

Ovarian diseases and how it affects fertility

The glands responsible for the female sexual hormones production (oestrogen and progesterone) are the ovaries; They are important hormones for proper sexual development in women, as well as playing an important role in fertility, pregnancy […]

Can I become pregnant on infertile days?

Can I become pregnant on infertile days?

One of the frequent questions asked by many patients in the gynaecology clinic is whether they can become pregnant on infertile days. We have the expert opinion of Doctor Cecilia Quetglas, Instituto Bernabeu Gynaecologist in […]

Septate Uterus: what it is, how it is diagnosed, and its treatment

Septate Uterus: what it is, how it is diagnosed, and its treatment

The uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina (or at least part of it) come from embryonic structures called Müllerian ducts. These are two tubular formations which appear on each side of the body, which join at […]

I’m not responding to ovarian stimulation in an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle, what can I do?

I’m not responding to ovarian stimulation in an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle, what can I do?

Patients with a low response to ovarian stimulation (LR) in IVF treatments are currently one of the greatest challenges for assisted reproduction professionals. The prevalence is difficult to estimate and ranges from 6-35% depending on […]

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